Agriculture and fishing
Fishing, fisheries and aquaculture
2019 Science Week: Resetting research priorities for healthy and sustainable food systems

The current food system is responsible for producing one-fifth of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, losing approximately one-third of edible food in production, inabilities access to healthy and fresh food sources and are causing one-third of the world’s land degradation. Furthermore, an estimate of two billion ...
Seventh Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Regional Consultative Forum Meeting

The Seventh Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Regional Consultative Forum Meeting will discuss various priority agendas on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development in the region. It will also provide the direction guidance and specific recommendations to the APFIC commission and member governments in ensuring the sustainability and resilience ...
MRC published three books on Mekong transboundary water management issues and overview brochures

Exploitative fishing practices, uncoordinated development of water infrastructure, and insufficient monitoring and sharing of hydro-data are among the major challenges facing Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam in managing their shared water resources across the Mekong borders, say new studies examining barriers to ensuring sustainable ...
Mekong River Commission
International Rivers releases results of independent Pak Beng study

International Rivers (IR) has released the results of an independent study it commissioned into the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Pak Beng hydropower dam, finding that “the project studies are insufficient to meaningfully evaluate the dam’s environmental and social impacts – particularly the transboundary and cumulative impacts – ...
Winrock's Watershed Ecosystem Services Tool is now live

Under the USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity (SFB) Project, Winrock International has developed an innovative online tool to assess the ecosystem service impacts of land use decisions in Cambodia. The Watershed Ecosystem Services Tool (WESTool) integrates cutting-edge analyses with a user-friendly online platform to give ...
IDI launches 'accountability hub' for land, housing and resource rights

Inclusive Development International has launched an online accountability hub to provide resources for advocates to conduct investigative research in support of communities whose rights and resources are threatened by investment projects. Visit ‘Following the money to justice’ to see what it’s all about, and see the ...