Social development

Human rights

EarthRights School (ERS) Advocacy Training Program for 2022

The EarthRigths School is an intensive, residential training program for activists and earth rights defenders from the Mekong region (China, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam) who are working on environmental and human rights issues. Through three months’ program we will provide the relevant knowledge, skills, and networks ...

Briefing Paper: Online People-Watching: Censorship, Surveillance, and the National Internet Gateway in Cambodia

On February 16, 2021, the Cambodian government issued the Sub-Decree No.23 on the Establishment of National Internet Gateway.  The law will result in the implementation of the National Internet Gateway (NIG), through which the government will gain control of data traffic in the country through ...

Online discussion on the implementation of the EU Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024 in the Asia Pacific

The European Union has recently adopted the Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024. The Action Plan sets out the EU’s priorities and objectives which will guide our work in advancing human rights and democracy, including in Asia and the Pacific. In light of the EU’s commitment to ...

Storytelling, Connecting, and Supporting Women for River and Water governance: an invitation to co-design

As with so many other global events in 2020, last year’s Women and Rivers Congress was held online. For the 181 participants, this was a great opportunity to start to meet and connect with the many activists, researchers, journalists, artists, and organisations working to support ...

RightsCon 2020's Panel Discussion: Lessons learnt from mobile data collection applications that strengthen Indigenous data governance towards Indigenous Data Sovereignty
RightsCon 2020

How do Indigenous Peoples exercise their data governance? Register for #RightsCon2020 to join Open Development Mekong‘s panel discussion on lessons learnt from mobile data collection applications that strengthen Indigenous data governance towards Indigenous Data Sovereignty (session ID #8999).   Register for RightsCon, the world’s leading event on ...

Call for participation to the Mekong Media Initiative
Mekong Media Initiative

CFI, the French Media Development agency, is offering service contracts to interested newsrooms in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam to boost reporting on environment and sustainable development, with a focus on scientific reporting. The contracts will support the production of multimedia stories on the subject, ...

EVENT: The Dialogue Forum 1: Digital Disruption and a Push for Sound Public Policies

The news agency, in collaboration with its partners, will hold a monthly forum on issues of importance, with “explanations” provided for the audience from concerned parties invited to take part in the forum the new project “Bangkok Tribune’s Dialogue Forum: Digital Disruption and a Push ...

Open Data Sharing Risk Assessment Toolkit
Open Data Sharing Risk Assessment Toolkit

This toolkit is for anyone intending to upload or share any datasets as open data on the Open Development Mekong’s (ODM) datahub. It is meant to be used to help guide users of ODM’s datahub through a process of assessing the risks and benefits involved with ...

Mekong River Commission launches interactive and easy-to-use Mekong data portal
MRC’s Data and Information Services Portal 

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) today launched a revitalised online data service platform that assembles, analyses, and visualises data about the health and condition of the Mekong River.  The platform, called MRC’s Data and Information Services Portal or Data Portal, is designed to help governments, development practitioners, private ...

Shelter City Netherlands: Call for temporary relocation in 2020
Shelter City Netherlands

Justice and Peace Netherlands is launching a new call for human rights defenders at risk to participate in the Shelter City initiative around March 2020.   Shelter City offers human rights defenders (HRDs) at risk a possibility for rest and respite by letting them escape temporarily from a ...

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