Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action

National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) are voluntary, country-specific commitments to action that reduce emissions compared to ‘business as usual’ volumes.1 Recognizing that “economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country Parties,” the focus on NAMAs is on actions within a country’s capacity.2 NAMAs are intended to support a country’s national development goals, as well as to support their mitigation goals.3

Four of the five LMC have NAMAs, each at different project stages. Cambodia and Thailand each have projects being implemented. Also a REDD+ initiative, Cambodia’s projects address greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, while Thailand’s projects address greenhouse gas emissions from energy and transport.4 The remaining projects are not yet being implemented, either seeking support for preparation (Thailand, Lao, PDR, and Vietnam) or support for implementation (Lao PDR and Vietnam). Projects focus on refrigeration and air conditioning (Thailand), people-centered urban mobility (Thailand),5 rural development (Lao PDR),6 and biogas and wind power development (Vietnam).7


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