Mekong Delta region now in peak season for dengue fever
A 10-year-old boy who suffered from multiple organ failure after contracting dengue fever has been discharged from the hospital after a more than month-long recovery period, according to the HCM City Paediatrics Hospital. Keep reading ...
Mekong region mulls single visa for five Chiang cities
A single-visa scheme for five Chiang cities across Thailand, Myanmar, China and Laos is in the works. The five cities comprise Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in Thailand, Chiang Tun in Myanmar’s Shan State, Chiang Rung in China’s Jinhong (Yunnan) and Chiang Thong in Laos’ ...
Thailand: Govt mulls plan for 1 visa, 5 cities
The plan for a single visa for “Five Chiang Cities” will be proposed to spur tourism among four countries in the Mekong Region and add quality tourists to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces of Thailand. The five Chiang cities in the scheme comprise Thailand’s Chiang ...
South Korean CSOs Want Government, Company to be Accountable For Lao Dam Disaster
South Korean civil society organizations called for their government and the main partner in a joint venture to take responsibility for the deadly breach of an auxiliary dam at the South Korean-backed Xe Pian Xe Namnoy hydropower project in Laos, which left at least 40 ...
Cross-border zone in North could boost trade links
The government is studying the feasibility of establishing a cross-border economic zone in the Golden Triangle under the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation scheme to expand economic links for Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and China. Keep reading ...
Asian supreme audit assembly concludes, adopts Hà Nội Declaration
Member states’ audit offices pledged commitments to sustainable development via promoting environmental audits and stronger anti-corruption measures. Keep reading ...
Regional CSOs Boycott Mekong River Forum Over Opposition to Lao Dam
Thai and Cambodian civil society organizations rejected an invitation from the Lao government to attend a regional stakeholder forum on the Pak Lay dam, saying that the prior notification and consultation procedures for the controversial hydropower project are not transparent. Keep reading ...
Thailand: Southeast Asia’s Last Hope for Wildlife?
With wildlife populations in Indochina in rapid decline, Thailand is the last great hope for the region’s natural heritage, particularly for large carnivores such as tigers and leopards. In fact, many donor organizations feel that Thailand has already achieved mid-level development status, making it more ...
Save the Mekong calls for dam review
Pressure is mounting on the Lao PDR government to conduct a fresh impact assessment study of a proposed fourth dam on the lower Mekong River according to Save the Mekong, a coalition of non-government organisations. The call for a review and a fresh impact assessment coincided ...
Laos Accused of Copy-Pasting Dam Impact Survey
An official impact assessment for a controversial new Lao dam on the Mekong river has been directly copied and pasted in parts from a previous project, a coalition of groups fighting to protect the river has alleged. The allegation came as Mekong River Commission (MRC) ...