
Crocodiles Are Not Geckos: The Realities Of Run-Of-River Hydropower

Too often, proponents of a specific dam apply this faulty logic and tell decision makers that a crocodile is really just a gecko.  For example, the debate on the Xayaboury Dam on the Mekong River in Laos—a massive dam that, in terms of environmental and ...

Jeff Opperman

Why the Mekong region matters to New Zealand

From China to Vietnam, traversing six countries in total, the Mekong River is the lifeline of the many millions of people that live along it, through the provision of water, food, energy, transport, irrigation, and sanitation. As populations have grown, and as China has sought ...

Rayong residents worry EEC will come with empty promises

Rayong residents have raised concerns about pollution and the empty promises that the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project might bring. Their concerns, they said yesterday, were based on the lesson they learned from the Eastern Seaboard Development programme more than 30 years ago.  “When the Eastern Seaboard ...

Khanathit Srihirundaj

Joe’s View: On data fever in the Mekong Delta

On a trip down the Mekong Delta, Professor Joe McDonald’s thoughts turn to the potentially serious disease that is data fever – and how it might be prevented. Rowing down the tiny stream through the impenetrable jungle of the Mekong Delta, it’s 39 degrees in the ...

World Bank warns of Myanmar’s urbanisation challenges

With more people moving to Yangon and other key destinations for better opportunities, the World Bank has warned of the challenges related to urbanisation in Myanmar at the launch of its latest report on Thursday. Judy Baker, lead economist for social, urban, rural and resilient global ...


India and CLMV countries: Investments, development cooperation and sustainable development

India shares close political and strategic ties with the Southeast Asian subregion of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (or the CLMV countries). However, their economic ties remain weak, owing to various factors including lack of physical connectivity, as well as the absence of synergy between ...

Malancha Chakrabarty

Thailand 'Prostituting its Resources,' Says Top Nature Photographer

As one of Thailand’s foremost marine conservation photographers, Sirachai “Shin” Arunrugstichai sees on a daily basis dead baby sharks discarded as trash by fishing trawlers, tourist speedboats crushing coral, and dead whales cut open and full of plastic. “We are prostituting our resources for others to ...

Asaree Thaitrakulpanich

2020 target of 70 per cent forest cover unlikely to be met: Report

Forest cover is expected to increase to 68 per cent of the country’s land area by 2020, slightly below the target of 70 per cent, the latest report on the matter suggests. A 2015 survey revealed that forest cover stood at 58 percent. With an annual ...

Souksakhone Vaenkeo

Myanmar announces national environment and climate change policies to mark World Environment Day 2019

The Government of Myanmar today announced its vision for the country’s environmental protection and climate action, launching two new policies that will guide Myanmar’s environmental management and climate change strategy. Myanmar is widely considered one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to the impacts ...

The grandads fighting back against deforestation

The loss of forestlands is disastrous for the indigenous Koi people of south east Asia. The Chom Penh forest provides their homes, their food and their income. Many in this region make their living from selling resin from the trees that surround them. But their ancestral ...

Rachel Graham

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