
New Elevation Measure Shows Climate Change Could Quickly Swamp the Mekong Delta

A stunning 12 million people could be displaced by flooding in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta within half a century, according to new research led by Philip Minderhoud, a geographer at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Minderhoud and his colleagues arrived at that surprising conclusion after analyzing ...

Charles Schmidt

NCDM: Deaths from natural disasters down 88% this year

Deaths due to natural disasters in the first eight months of the year were down 88 per cent on the same period last year, data from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) obtained by The Post on Monday showed. Natural disasters killed 87 people and ...

Tackling city issues with tech

The Digital Yangon App that can be used by the public to deal with issues such as abandoned vehicles, water problems, fire and waste disposal issues can now be used in six downtown areas of Yangon, said Yangon Region Minister of Kayin Ethnic Affairs  Daw ...

ASEAN members agree to promote circular economy

International representatives from the government and private sectors across Southeast Asia vowed to co-operate to address the resource constraints through the circular economy with a focus on “resource maximisation, waste separation and proper disposal” in the manufacturing and consumption cycle at a symposium in Bangkok ...

Four Trapped in Collapsed, Flooded Coal Mine in Central Myanmar

Rescue workers were trying to get to four coal miners trapped in a collapsed mine in Satpyargon Village, in Magwe Region’s Minhla Township, as of late Monday afternoon. According to police, the mine, operated by the Inn Gyin Taung mining company, collapsed Sunday evening due to ...

Zarini Mann

Something Is Very Wrong on the Mekong River

The Mekong is reeling from the combined onslaught of climate change, sand-mining, and incessant damming of the river, which combined to help cause the worst drought recorded in over 100 years in July. “This is the worst ecological disaster in history of the of Mekong region,” declared Thai ...

Tom Fawthrop

NCDM: Deaths from natural disasters down 88% this year

Deaths due to natural disasters in the first eight months of the year were down 88 per cent on the same period last year, data from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) obtained by The Post on Monday showed. Natural disasters killed 87 people and ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Cambodia’s rice farmers in serious danger

Half a million Cambodian farmers could possibly be looking at empty rice bowls if the European Union (EU) pushes through with the withdrawal of its Everything But Arms (EBA) trade preference. While the garment and footwear sectors stand to lose the most if the EBA trade scheme – ...

Jason Thomas

Powering a conflict: the Kachin Independence Organisation's hydropower business

For nearly two decades following its 1994 ceasefire, the Kachin Independence Organisation built up a business empire that intertwined formally with the state. The vehicle for many of these businesses is Buga Co Ltd, which the KIO’s economic department registered with the Directorate of Investment and ...

Ye Mon

Mekong Delta needs logistics investment: officials

A trade representative has called for the construction of more deep-water ports in the Mekong River Delta to save money and time for seafood exporters. Nguyễn Hoài Nam, deputy general secretary of the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), said the move would allow firms to directly ...

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