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Open Development Mekong director Terry Parnell gives keynote address at conference on “Universities and Open Education Resources”

Open Development Mekong director Terry Parnell was a keynote speaker at a national conference on “Universities and Open Education Resources” in Hanoi on 29 December.   About 300 people from academia, civil society, private sector ad government were in attendance. The presentation highlighted the Open Development Mekong ...

OD Mekong and country partners are participating in the Mekong Partnership for Environment's Regional Symposium in Bangkok- Follow updates

Open Development Mekong and country partners are participating in the Mekong Partnership for Environment’s Regional Symposium on Shared Solutions: Safeguarding Sustainable Development in the Mekong Region (25-27 August in Bangkok.) Participating country partners are Open Development Cambodia, Pan-Nature (Open Development Vietnam), Phandeeyar (Open Development Myanmar), and Change ...

If you would like to get involved in the Open Data Movement in your country and around the region, join monthly DatASEAN webinars in your country

For details, follow the Open Data ASEAN Facebook page: ...

Follow Open Development Mekong’s activities and new developments on Facebook ...

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