
There are reasons to be hopeful. If things come together well and if Mekong River countries can work together.

VOA Khmer: You have been reporting on Cambodia as a journalist [and then] you primarily focused on politics and foreign affairs. Why did you become interested in the Tonle Sap Lake and [Mekong] River issues, and what that led you to write a book about ...

Sokummono Khan

Gender Equality Advocate Retires, Paves Way for Second Wave of Activism

Ros Sopheap was sipping ginger tea and lemonade in July when she decided to retire after more than two decades of activism that pushed for gender inclusivity and women’s empowerment. She will step down as the head of Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) later ...

Hean Socheata and Sokummono Khan,VOA Khmer

Thailand Migrant Workers Sign Contracts They Don’t Understand, Undercutting Efforts to Stop Abuses

Migrant workers from Cambodia and Myanmar are being asked to sign contracts they cannot read in order to work in Thailand’s fishing fleet, a new study has found, undercutting efforts to expunge abuses from a sector worth billions of dollars to the Southeast Asian country. Thailand ...

Vijitra Duangdee

Khun Sea Development Fills In Mekong River Near Arey Ksat Ferry Stop

A representative for prominent tycoon Khun Sea’s company confirmed the firm was responsible for in-filling in the Mekong River very near to the ferry stop at Kandal’s Arey Ksat – after social media users and ferry passengers posted photos of large stony embankments. Photos emerged on ...

Sun Narin, Lors Liblib, VOA Khmer

Myanmar’s Descent into Chaos to Further Fuel Mekong Drug Trade: UN

The chaos in Myanmar could see a surge in meth production across the’ Golden Triangle’, the United Nation’s organized crime agency said Tuesday, as ethnic militias seek quick cash to firm up their positions in lawless borderlands whose fragile equilibrium has been disrupted by the ...

Vijitra Duangdee

Thai, Cambodia, Vietnam Ambassadors Urge ASEAN, US support for Mekong Management

The ambassadors of Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia have called for greater support from the U.S. and the ASEAN regional bloc to address urgent environmental threats to the Mekong River. They also emphasized the need for improved water data sharing by all countries on the river, ...

Seourn Vathana, VOA Khmer

Laos Presses Ahead with 4 More Mekong Dams Amid Drought

Laos is pushing ahead with four dams across the mainstream of the Mekong River, despite an escalating chorus of objections and crippling debt to Chinese state banks which resulted in the loss of control over its electricity grid to China. For almost two decades scientists and ...

Luke Hunt

Early Voting Begins in Myanmar Election

Despite Myanmar’s growing coronavirus caseload and continuing unrest in some areas, early voting began Thursday for the November 8 general election, which involves nearly 100 political parties and contests for the upper and lower houses of the national, state and regional governments. Early voters include citizens ...

May Kha

After Mekong Data Deal, Experts Call for More Upstream Information, Transparency

While welcoming China’s decision to share hydrological data with Mekong nations, experts said the next step would be to expand the information shared and to make this data accessible to citizens and communities who most need it. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) and China’s Water Resource ...

Aun Chhengpor/VOA Khmer

Vietnam Plans to Become Solid Middle-Class Nation by 2025

Vietnam’s top leaders have resolved to become at least a middle-income country over the next five years, an about-face from abject poverty in the 1980s, by attracting more foreign investment in manufacturing. The Communist Party’s Central Committee wrapped up a plenary session October 8 held to ...

Ralph Jennings

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