2019 a False Dawn for Democracy in Thailand, Analysts Say

When the coterie of top generals that toppled Thailand’s government in 2014 announced the long-awaited elections that were held in March, they promised a speedy return to democracy after five years of military rule. Nine months on, the election those army men had sold as a ...

Zomber Peter

Land Dispute Representatives From Six Provinces Petition Gov’t

Representatives and villagers across six provinces, representing 27 different communities, gathered in Phnom Penh on Tuesday to advocate and petition the government for a resolution to their long-standing land disputes. The villagers came from the provinces of Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Tbong Khmum, Svay ...

Lao Villagers, Facing Eviction for Dam, Are Leery of Government Promises

On a remote bend of the Mekong River in northern Laos, where its muddy waters make a hard right turn through steep verdant hills, the 330-odd residents of Houaygno village are bracing for an imminent exodus. Vietnam’s state-owned PetroVietnam Power has chosen the site for the ...

Zsombor Peter

After Trump Rebuke, Vietnam Scrambles to Avoid US Trade Dispute

The U.S. government agreed this week to give another coast guard vessel to Vietnam so the Southeast Asian country can increase its defense against China. But behind that move, Vietnam and the United States are struggling over a growing trade deficit that has alarmed U.S. ...

Ralph Jennings

Laos Defends Latest Plans to Dam the Mekong

Laos has dismissed fears that its next hydropower dam on the Mekong River would devastate downstream communities after neighboring countries and rights groups raised their doubts at a regional forum in the capital last week. The tiny landlocked country announced its intentions to go ahead with ...

Zsombor Peter

Rising Sea Levels Threaten to Flood Southern Vietnam by 2100

HO CHI MINH CITY – It’s not quite the first thing on everyone’s minds in the booming financial center of Vietnam, but everyone kind of knows it might happen: Global sea levels pushed up by climate change threatens to flood the city by the year ...

Ralph Jennings

Human Rights Talks Absent from ASEAN Summit

Much of the recent ASEAN summit was focused on political snubbing between Donald Trump and the region, an Asian trade agreement, and the South China Sea dispute, but one topic was not a priority: human rights. So says the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights organization, (APHR) ...

Ha Nguyen

Laos Urged to Cancel Latest Dam for Mainstream Mekong

Environmental rights groups are calling on Laos to cancel the latest hydro-electric dam it has approved for construction across the Mekong River, warning of dire consequences for the millions of people who rely on the waterway for a living. A six-month “prior consultation process” for the ...

Zsombor Peter

Chinese Support Gives Laos an Edge Over Powerful Neighbor Vietnam

A Mekong River hydropower dam scheduled to open this month worries Vietnam because the country sits just downriver from it and would be threatened by lower water flows. Officials in Hanoi aren’t wildly protesting to the dam’s host country, Laos, however, because Vietnam knows Laos has ...

Ralph Jennings

Cambodia Launches Campaign to End Child Labor in Brick Industry

Cambodia has launched a campaign to end child labor in the brick industry by 2020, a move industry observers cautiously welcome while expressing doubts the goal will be achieved, and calling for more structural changes. The industry drew international attention last year when a report, Blood ...

Leonie Kijewski

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