The Nation

ASEAN struggles to protect labourers

The ASEAN Community, which took effect at the end of last year, has expressed concern about the movement of skilled workers around the region. But its interest in the unskilled labour remains poor, despite the fact that this group provides the real workforce that dominates ...

Move to grow artificial forest in Nan dubbed unsustainable

Critics claim an all-star conservation group set up to tackle deforestation has missed the mark by advocating an artificially grown forest, which they say will not result in sustainability and rich biodiversity. Many people have welcomed the plan by the Plook Loei Group, which is led ...

Meet touts benefits of ‘Thailand 4.0’

The government is pursuing its “Thailand 4.0” project by utilising innovative technology to improve quality of life, productivity and efficiency for all businesses in the nation. The government will also come out with new laws this year related to digitisation, while the Information and Communications Technology Ministry ...

Agro, food to spearhead Betagro

Betagro group is consolidating six business units into two to allow the agribusiness and food group to play a more prominent role in the regional and world markets. The six old business units were food, swine, poultry, regional, feedmill and animal health. The two new core ...

Mekong region could rely on 100% clean energy by 2050: WWF

Thailand and countries in the Mekong region should be able to rely 100 per cent on renewable energy by 2050 and escape the severe impacts of climate change, a World Wildlife Fund study revealed. The WWF held a press conference in Bangkok on 24 May to ...

Public had no say in Tak SEZ, NHRC finds

The National Human Rights Commission will report to the government after its investigation on 23 May into alleged human rights violations in the Tak Special Economic Development Zone. Its conclusion was that the main problem in the dispute was the lack of opportunity for public involvement in the ...

HK Council to bring Chinese investors interested in Thai food processing

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council plans, for the first time, to bring investors from China to meet with food processing companies in Thailand to boost investment as part of the Belt and Road initiative. Raymond Yip, deputy executive director of HKTDC said it would bring ...

Economy sees best growth in three years despite export contraction

Thailand’s economy remained resilient in the first quarter of this year, surprising forecasters by growing more than the previous quarter despite the continued contraction of exports. The country’s economy grew a seasonally adjusted 0.9 per cent in the first quarter, boosted by public spending and tourism, ...

Officials investigate fires in different regions

The cause of the fire, which spread from Ok mountain in Tambon Mae Nam to Phra mountain in Tambon Bor Phud of Surat Thani province, was suspected to be forest burning, which got out of control in the dry and hot weather. Up North, a Chiang ...

UN rights council comes down heavily on junta

Thailand came under severe criticism over the human rights situation in the country with international delegates of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) raising serious concerns in Geneva yesterday.At the UN’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session, the Thai delegation led by Justice Ministry permanent secretary ...

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