Myanmar Times

Myanmar migrant workers in 2019 exceed 300,000

Over 305,000 people went overseas for work during 2019 according to the data from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population. Monthly numbers of workers going abroad from January to November 2019 are 23,235 in January, 22,523 in February, 22,534 in March, 20,766 in April, 30,326 ...

Yu Wai

Development of Dawei SEZ makes progress

In a January 9 statement, the Dawei SEZ Management Committee said changes have been made to the contractual arrangements with  Italian-Thai Development Company Ltd (ITD) for the development of initial industrial estate in Tanintharyi Region. According to contract amendment, ITD and other investors must compensate and ...

Htin Lynn Aung

Pineapple growers call for official export channels to China

Pineapple growers are asking the government negotiate official exports of the crop to China as soon as possible, a farmers association says. The call comes after pineapple cultivators suffered estimated losses of K700 million (US$458 million) during the previous harvest season when China suddenly banned imports ...

Chan Mya Htwe

Govt reviews forest management as Dutch police seize Myanmar teak

The government is set to review the country’s forest management strategy as it faces an uphill struggle against deforestation and illegal logging, a senior forestry official said. U Than Soe, director of the Department of Forestry, said the review of the 2016plan will look into compliance, ...

Khin Su Wai

Myanmar fish resources fall sharply in past 38 years: research

Fish inhabiting the surface waters of Myanmar declined by about 80 percent between 1980 and 2018 and there was a steep drop in commercially important fish on the seabed, according to joint research by Myanmar and Norwegian scientists. The study, carried out by the Norwegian-operated research ...

Myat Moe Aung

Groups object to $250m World Bank project

More than 40 civil society organisations urged the World Bank to stop a project worth US$250 million (K380.3 billion) in eastern Myanmar over concerns it could undermine Karen culture and traditions.   The Peaceful and Prosperous Communities Project targets the development of conflict zones in eastern Myanmar.  According ...

Govt to launch second stage of electrification plan

The government will light another 4000 villages across the country in the second phase of its electrification plan, said U Thura Aung Ko, chief engineer and project manager of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. He added the agency has begun inviting tenders to supply equipment for ...

Htoo Thant

Panel to consider changing laws to aid Kachin farmers

A committee will be set up comprising farmers and civil society organisations to resolve farmland problems in Kachin State, U M Kawn La of the Kachin National Congress said. The committee, to initially include political party officials, law experts, civil society groups and literature associations, will discuss ...

Khin Su Wai

Dawei SEZ draws investor interest, but lacks infrastructure

Businesses from China, Thailand, Korea and Japan, including those from the power and logistics sectors, have said they are keen to invest in the Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Tanintharyi, which is near the Thai border. Investor interest in Dawei, which has yet to be ...

Chan Mya Htwe

GE eyes expansion in Myanmar energy, healthcare sectors

GE, the high-tech energy, health and aviation equipment provider, has plans to expand its reach in the Myanmar energy and healthcare sectors. “Myanmar has huge potential in terms of revenue and orders for GE. Myanmar needs healthcare and a lot of electricity. There are good prospects ...

Chan Mya Htwe

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