Khmer Times

Droughts and political risk challenge hydro’s place in energy mixture

The Minister for Mines and Energy is giving nothing away on how hydropower figures in Cambodia’s draft power development plan (PDP). However, he did say the PDP would not turn its back on established power sources, such as coal- and oil-fired power plants because of ...

Michael Firn / Khmer Times

USAID GPL provides small grants to protect forests

USAID Greening Prey Lang (GPL), Cambodia has decided to shift financial support from monthly patrol stipends to a ‘one-time small grant package’ for institutional and technical capacity improvements to protect forests. The small grant will be handed out to 56 Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) in Preah Vihear, ...

Son Minea

NGOs urge transparency for $52 mil US donation for Mekong region

After United States Secretary of State Antony J Blinken announced the US pledge to donate $52 million to Mekong countries for development, NGOs have come forward asking the government to utilise the donation with transparency. NGO Forum executive director Tek Vannara said that the donation will ...

Son Minea

Guardians of Nature: Bold and brave women rangers of Cambodia stand tall

As Cambodia marks World Ranger Day on July 31, Khmer Times highlights a handful of bold brave, and resilient women rangers who are standing alongside men to conserve and protect the wildlife and natural resources of the protected forest. Over the years, women have navigated from ...

Sen David

Ministry of Water Resources issues warning of rising Mekong River levels, caused by Typhoon CEMPAKA

The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has warned that the Mekong River will rise in the next three to four days, which could cause flooding in the lower Mekong Delta. Affected areas will be: Stung Treng, Kratie, Kampong Cham and other provinces. The rise of ...

MOE ignores ‘twisted’ CYNA report on high forest crimes

The Ministry of Environment (MoE)  yesterday rejected the report of the Cambodian Youth Network Association (CYNA) and  Prey Lang Community Network that found high forest crimes in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. Forest activists in the Prey Lang community claimed 366 forest crimes in the Prey ...

Son Minea / Khmer Times

Min of Agriculture responds to allegations of loss of fisheries

The Ministry of Agriculture yesterday responded to criticism and accusations by opposition groups and the media that the decline and loss of fish production is due to the incompetence of the Ministry, the Fisheries Administration and local officials. The criticism also raised concerns over illegal deforestation, ...

Son Minea

Illegal company stopped from filling flooded forest in Banteay Meanchey

An illegal company that was not identified was stopped by authorities from filling in a protected flooded forest area in Banteay Meanchey province. Some villagers in Preah Netr Preah district’s Rohal commune said that in less than one year, 300 hectares were cleared and filled and ...

Yin Soeum

Four homes collapse into the Mekong River

Four of the 26 houses in danger of sliding into the Mekong River collapsed on Sunday leaving 16 families homeless. The accident took place at around 2.30pm in Kandal province’s Loeuk Dek district, in Prek Dach commune, due to heavy rain and wind. Major Lonh Samnang, Prek ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Fishermen resort to illegal methods to make ends meet

With Covid-19 rearing its head along the Mekong River, desperate fishermen have been resorting to illegal methods during the closed season to feed their families. Om Savath, an executive director of Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT) – a non-governmental organisation (NGO) working on fisheries, environmental issues, ...

Mao Chanvireak

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