Unions happy over labor protections
Union officials have applauded the Ministry of Labor which is preparing to ratify some International Labor Organization’s conventions, including two that unions, factory workers and domestic workers have long demanded. The Labor Ministry said on November 30 that to promote and protect the rights, benefits and working conditions of workers as of last month, Cambodia was the only country in the region to have ratified up to 13 conventions, including eight fundamental conventions that are binding on all ILO member countries. Besides the conventions that have already been ratified, Cambodia is cooperating closely with the ILO to include content that is written in the conventions to apply to other laws and regulations of the Kingdom, according to the ministry. “The Labor Ministry will do research and check the possibility of ratifying other international labor conventions such as conventions No. 183 and No. 189 in accordance with the real needs of the country and the regional context,” it said.