Social development

Low-income people around country register for new round of state welfare

A large number of low-income people queued up to apply for state welfare as the second round of registrations opened nationwide on April 3. Finance Minister Apisak Tantivorawong said at least 10 million people were expected to register in this round, which ends on May ...

Surrogacy plan due soon

Ministry of Interior officials confirmed on April 3 that new guidelines for foreign intended parents hoping to leave Cambodia with babies born to surrogate mothers will be released later this week, prompting cautious relief among parents and those involved in the industry. Chou Bun Eng, permanent ...

Savannakhet educators, students readied for uni relocation

The faculties of agriculture and food science are set to be the first from Savannakhet University to open at its new site as 1,500 students from these faculties prepare to study in brand new facilities. Construction is in progress on a 300-hectare site in Nongpheu ...

King Thibaw mausoleum planned in Mandalay

A mausoleum for Myanmar’s last monarch of the Konbaung dynasty King Thibaw is being planned at the Mandalay Palace, a descendant of the late king said. U Soe Win – King Thibaw’s great-grandson – said permission was being sought to build the mausoleum near the ...

AIDS, drugs and prostitution policies suffer from ineffective implementation

Laws and policies relating to AIDS, drugs, and prostitution have been amended to help those affected to easily get benefits from government programmes, such as methadone and ARV therapy. But in reality, many people still face difficulties receiving the benefits because of ineffectiveness in policy ...

Earlier sex education needed to fight abuse

Public concern is once again inspiring changes to education programmes in schools, with calls for more sex education to be included in the curriculum so that children can better protect themselves from sexual abuse. Recent reports of children being sexually abused in different parts of ...

Bachelor’s degree graduates rush to vocational schools

Many graduates with bachelor’s are attending vocational schools because they have been unable to find jobs. Analysts have warned about the big waste of society’s resources as many graduates, after spending money and time at university, are now returning to vocational school. Vice Rector of Pasteur Hanoi ...

Patients waiting for organ transplants face shortages

Thousands of patients in Thailand are now on a life-or-death waiting list, praying every day with their family members for an organ transplant. Despite increasingly advanced medical technology, their vital surgeries cannot take place without an act of kindness from fellow humans. “One organ donor can ...

15 million expected to register as low-income earners for benefits

While the government has predicted bright economic prospects this year, as many as 15 million people are expected to register as low-income earners to obtain assistance in the second round of registration that opens today – almost double the number of people enrolled late last year. ...

Montagnards flee to Thailand, fearing return to persecution in Vietnam

Fearing repatriation to Vietnam, almost 50 Montagnards fled Cambodia for Thailand after the Interior Ministry began rejecting some of their asylum claims last month, The Post has learned. Meanwhile, the head of the ministry’s refugee department Tan Sovichea on April 2 revealed only three of nearly ...

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