Social development

Attacks on journalists in Myanmar highlight complications, dangers for the media

The murder of a Myanmarese reporter investigating illegal logging and the roadside beating of another, both in Myanmar earlier this week, have raised new fears about media safety in the country. Soe Moe Tun, a 37 year-old Myanmarese reporter with Daily Eleven newspaper, was found “severely ...

Standing strong: new facility to help Myanmar landmine victims, amputees

She lay and cried in the hospital. The nurses did too. Tin Mya had already had two major amputation operations performed on her toes and foot, which had turned black. And she was about to lose most of her lower leg. The cause of her pain ...

WB: Cambodians still vulnerable

While the World Bank commended Cambodia for its strong economic growth and efforts to reduce poverty over the past two decades, it, however, cautioned on December 14 that the agriculture and garment sectors posed challenges which could make that growth unsustainable. “An overview of the past two ...

Tourism officials lay out plans for schools

Tourism Ministry officials outlined plans yesterday for two new vocational training facilities for the country’s growing tourism sector. Try Chhiv, deputy director general of the Ministry of Tourism, said the government will build the first school in Phnom Penh with a capacity of 1,000 students, ...

Remote Myanmar gets ready for tourism boom

After a decades-long blanket ban on tourists, Kayah State in eastern Myanmar has opened up to the outside world. Travellers are pouring in to get a glimpse of its untouched beauty. As Pichayada Promchertchoo reports, the remote state is hoping to develop a tourist industry without losing ...

Millions of Cambodian farmers receive land titles under state plan

Cambodia is moving fast to provide millions of land titles to farmers in an effort to reduce conflicts over territory in the Southeast Asian nation, a senior government official said. About 770,000 Cambodians — more than five percent of the population — have been affected by land ...

EU pressure effective?

In recent years, communities displaced by sugar plantations have attempted to reclaim their land by targeting the plantations’ investors and buyers overseas, but a study published last week in the peer-reviewed Journal of Civil Society suggests such efforts may disappoint. Author Young Sokphea notes that ...

ADB to provide more support for development in Laos

The Asian Development Bank will provide US$32 million for the Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project in Laos next year. This information was confirmed on Monday by Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment, Dr Khamlian Pholsena after returning from the 21st GMS Ministerial Conference, held ...

Reporter killed in Sagaing Division

The Monywa Central Police Station has confirmed that local reporter Ko Soe Moe Tun of Eleven Media Group was beaten to death with a wooden stick, his body discovered early Tuesday morning. Ko Soe Moe Tun, 36, a Monywa-based EMG journalist was found dead and ...

Ministry reviews UNFPA country programme

The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities organised the final review of the 5th Country Programme and the first planning meeting for the 6th Country Programme for Laos. The meeting highlighted key achievements in the areas of sexual ...

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