Rainforest Trust is Saving Habitat in Laos for the Rare Asian Unicorn

Rainforest Trust is working with Asian Arks to conserve the Khoun Xe Nong Ma National Protected Area that was recently declared by the Government of Lao PDR. The KXNM area covers approximately 133,000 acres of the Upper Xe Bang Fai-Laos Key Biodiversity Area in the ...

Rainforest Trust

Volatile Mekong threatens birds’ nest

Just 50 metres from the Mekong, in the shadow of a discarded plastic cup, a lone chick sits camouflaged on the sand. It is a newly hatched small pratincole in Bueng Kan province, northeast Thailand.  “I recorded 15 nests on the beach, smaller numbers compared with previous ...

Tyler Roney

Big cats dwindling from Cambodia’s forests

Indochinese leopards and tigers seem to have disappeared from their natural habitat in Cambodia, a conservationist told Khmer Times yesterday. “There is no scientific evidence since the 2010s to give us hope as conservationists to believe that Indochinese leopards and tigers still survive,” said the Cambodian conservationist who ...

Sar Socheath

Exploring nine Ramsar sites of Vietnam

Vietnam became a member of the Convention on Wetlands, known as the Ramsar Convention, in 1989. So far, nine wetlands in the country have been recognised as Ramsar sites – wetlands of international importance. The Ramsar Convention, signed in Iran’s Ramsar city in 1971, is an international treaty that ...

Laos to earn revenue from sale of carbon credit next year

The government expects to earn its first income from the sale of carbon credit next year after signing an agreement with the World Bank. The Deputy Director General of the Forestry Department, Mr Khamsene Oukham, said on Thursday that the government had signed an agreement with ...

Times Reporter

Cambodia’s Mekong river believed to be a healthy habitat for endangered giant freshwater stingray

Cambodia’s Mekong River from Stung Treng to Kratie and Prey Veng is believed to be the healthiest habitat of the endangered giant freshwater stingray. The notice was shared recently with AKP by Dr Zeb Hogan, an American biologist and a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) fellow who ...

Cambodia's giant life-giving Tonle Sap lake in peril

As night falls over his floating village, fisherman Leng Vann puffs on a cigarette and heaves a sigh for Tonle Sap, the great inland lake that has sustained Cambodia for centuries. More than a million people live on or around the lake, the world’s largest inland ...


Endangered crane absent from Vietnam's Ramsar site

Losing their natural habitat and food source, red-crowned cranes no longer call a national park in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta home. For three decades, Tram Chim National Park in the reed fields of Dong Thap Muoi in Dong Thap Province has been famous as a natural habitat ...

Hoang Nam

Local efforts help protect the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphins in Myanmar

Irrawaddy dolphins can be seen in three major rivers in Southeast Asia: the Ayeyarwady (Myanmar), the Mahakam (Indonesian Borneo) and the Mekong. In Myanmar, the dolphin is known for its close relations with local fishers as they often help to drive shoals of fish towards ...

Thinn Nay Chi Sun

Mekong Delta faces decline in wild birds, fish and plants

The number of species of wild birds, fish, and plants in the Mekong Delta has fallen rapidly in recent years because of a decline in food resources and natural habitats. In Tram Chim National Park in Dong Thap province, 13 bird species are in danger of extinction and need protection, according to park authorities. The species include red-headed cranes, ...


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