Takeo pigs hit by outbreak of PRRS

A Takeo village’s pigs have been hit with an outbreak of a disease described by a senior Agriculture Ministry official as more economically damaging to Cambodian pig farmers than foot and mouth disease. The outbreak of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in Tram Kak district’s ...

Thái Bình Province plans to grow 1,320 ha of coastal forest

Thái Bình Province aims to plant more than 1,320 hectares of coastal forests in the next five years and protect almost 4,000 hectares of forest, with total investment of US$18.7 million. The plan by the province’s authorities aims to recover lost forest areas, consolidate existing forest ...

Radical reform of ‘outdated’ environmental laws urged

Academics and legal experts on November 9 called for radical reforms of decades-old environmental laws, with public participation to ensure the rights of all citizens to live in healthy surroundings. The call was issued as the Law Reform Commission and the Good Governance for Social Development ...

Ministry plans wildlife corridors to boost Cambodia's biodiversity

Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment gathered a network of government and civil society representatives on November 8 to begin planning the creation of a biodiversity conservation corridor that would make it easier for wildlife to thrive. Biodiversity corridors connect isolated conservation areas with strips of vegetation to ...

Fish experts to confer on enhanced regional fisheries productivity

Lao and international fish experts are set to discuss ways to promote greater fisheries productivity in the region to push for food security, at an upcoming conference scheduled to take place in Vientiane. The International Fishway Conference scheduled to take place from November 14-17 will ...

Attempts to curb electric fishing failing

Poachers are defying the law and risking imprisonment by continuing to use electric-shock methods to stun and catch fish, conservationists say. They say the practise is inflicting serious damage on the ecosystems of the Ayeyarwady River. The use of batteries to stun fish, as well ...

Irrawaddy dolphins functionally extinct in Laos: Survey

The population of critically endangered Mekong River Dolphins – Irrawaddy Dolphins – in the Cheuteal trans-boundary pool between southern Laos and northern Cambodia has shrunk by 50 percent this year and the population is functionally extinct in Laos. World Wildlife Fund survey teams from Laos and ...

Three Mandalay projects delayed pending review

Three Mandalay Region development projects approved under the previous government are being reconsidered under the National League for Democracy administration. The projects are temporarily stalled while experts study potential negative impacts on the local environment and the public, officials have noted. Organising committees have been formed ...

Nearly $1 billion in forest carbon finance committed in 2015

The inclusion of the UN’s Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation program, known as REDD+, as a standalone article in the Paris Climate Agreement was widely hailed as an encouraging political signal that protecting forests and other valuable carbon sinks would henceforth be a ...

Authorities bolster efforts to stem illegal wildlife trade

Despite concerted efforts by officials to end the illegal wildlife trade through regular inspections at markets throughout the country, the trade continues to flourish. To reduce illegal wildlife trading in Laos, especially in the main towns, the authorities have asked various agencies to join the ...

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