
Facing donors, Vietnam urged to rethink coal-fueled growth

Vietnam seeks financial support for its ‘black to green’ transition, but international partners say what’s needed is better policy. International development partners and donors have called on Vietnam to commit to bigger greenhouse gas emission reductions, warning that fueling growth with coal will hurt the ...

VN, Myanmar to enhance political-diplomatic ties

Việt Nam and Myanmar have agreed to further enhance political and diplomatic ties via increasing all-level visits and contacts through Party, government, State, National Assembly channels and people-to-people exchange. The agreement was reached during talks between President Trần Đại Quang and Myanmar President Htin Kyaw following ...

Southeast Asia’s last major undammed river in crisis

China has suspended dams upstream of the Salween but the Myanmar government is pushing ahead with Chinese backed dams downstream, despite environmental costs and cheaper alternatives. From the snow-capped mountains of Tibet, the Salween rushes through steep gorges in Yunnan Province and flows through four of ...

Residents fear restart of coal power plant

A coal-fired power plant in southern Shan State that was shut down two years ago due to residents’ complaints may be reopening, despite the opposition of the local community, villagers say. They are already accusing local officials of breaking their promises. Test operations at the plant, ...

More powercuts forecast for Yangon

Get ready for the blackouts. A regional minister has acknowledged that decayed powerlines and a surging demand for electricity will once again leave the commercial capital in the dark. Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation had hoped a handful of patchwork measures would help boost the supply but ...

Will hydropower turn the tide on the Salween River?

Both history and future development plans point to risks for the Salween River and its eco-systems and communities. Over-development, lack of public consultation and the appetite for energy threaten Asia’s last free flowing, international river. It is among the most visited, most photographed and most ...

Meteorologist advises smaller alternatives to Myitsone megadam

The former director general of the meteorology and hydrology department has proposed an alternative solution to the problem of the stalled Myitsone hydropower dam. Instead of building one destructive and publically reviled mega dam, why not build four smaller hydropower projects instead, he suggested on ...

Domestic energy boost reduces reliance on imports

Cambodia’s domestic electricity production grew significantly in 2015, helping to reduce the Kingdom’s reliance on imported energy, the national electricity regulator said in its newly released annual report. According to the Electricity Authority of Cambodia, the Kingdom’s energy generation increased by 46.79 percent in 2015 compared ...

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