Economy and commerce

Finance Ministry plans rejig of fuel excise tax

The Finance Ministry wants to revamp the structure of the excise tax on fuels to base it on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to protect the environment. Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana delegated the Fiscal Policy Office and the Excise ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Laos plans regulatory reforms to boost trade at border crossings

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce will continue efforts to improve or remove unnecessary measures and regulations relating to exports and imports to bolster cross-border trade. Officials in charge of trade facilitation met in Vientiane last week for the 2nd Trade Facilitation Committee Secretariat meeting to ...

Bounfaeng Phaymanivong

Upgrading the ASEAN–China Free Trade Agreement

In 2015, ASEAN and China signed an upgraded protocol to improve the original Framework Agreement for the ASEAN–China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). The upgraded protocol entered into force in July 2016 and implementation will start from August 2019. Since ACFTA was launched, China’s share of ASEAN ...

Jayant Menon and Anna Cassandra Melendez

Banks keen on green projects

Green credit is a trend in the global banking and finance industry and more Vietnamese banks are following suit. The State Bank of Việt Nam (SBV)’s latest survey of credit institutions (CIs) in the field of green growth and green credit released recently showed that the ...

Economic growth rebounding but further reform needed: World Bank

The World Bank is optimistic about economic growth in Laos, which is projected to rebound to 6.5 per cent in 2019, rising from 6.3 per cent recorded last year.  Despite continued fiscal tightening, the pickup is expected to be driven by robust investment in mega infrastructure ...

Somsack Pongkhao

Thailand’s pangolin pipeline

In the early hours of a Sunday morning this past March, officers manning a roadside checkpoint in Thailand’s Prachuap Khiri Khan province were hardly fooled when an approaching pick-up attempted to bypass their blockade by hastily detouring down a side road 300m away. The officers gave ...

Chuleeporn Butrkote

Vietnam should forget about high speed railway until 2030

An expensive high-speed railway is a nice dream, but let’s get real and build better roads between provinces first. On a visit to California, I discovered that the western U.S. state had kept pending a high speed rail proposal since 1996 due to funding cuts made ...

Huynh The Du

Thailand Has a Developing Economy and a Big First World Problem

Getting old can be hard under any circumstances, and harder still when you’re poor. That’s the predicament for Thailand, the developing country first in line to face the consequences of a first-world-style baby bust. Data published last month by the United Nations show births in Thailand ...

Margo Towie, Jason Clenfield and Hannah Dormido

Open Letter: Spare Cambodia from Great Power politics in 21st century

The unfortunate speculation that China is building a military base in Cambodian territory is guided by only by ill-intended and misinformed plethora without any evidence. It is utterly a smear campaign against the national interests of Cambodians and the hard-earned peace and development the national government ...

Phnom Penh poor uprooted as lakes filled in for malls, flats

Lay Sremeth and her family have lived on a narrow stretch of land by Phnom Penh’s Boeung Tompoun lake for three decades, fishing in its water and growing rice on its bank. But shortly after authorities approved filling in parts of the lake with sand and ...

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