FDI inflow seen as driving economic development

A modest increase in the inflow of foreign direct investment is a sign that Cambodia remains an attractive destination to investors, and will go a long way toward the country’s development, analysts said on August 31. Total capital inflow of foreign direct investment to Cambodia amounted ...

India approves CLMV fund

The government of India yesterday approved the creation of a project development fund of about $75 million to help Indian firms invest in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam ‒ the so-called CLMV countries. “The project development fund will benefit India’s industrial community in terms of business ...

New bridge slated for Mandalay-Muse highway

A new concrete bridge will be built on the Mandalay-Muse Highway, the main route for border trade through Shan State to China, according to a statement by the Ministry of Information on August 5. The bridge will incorporate a two-lane highway as well as hard shoulders ...

Vietnam seeks deepened ties with Brunei, Singapore

The upcoming State visits to Brunei and Singapore by President Tran Dai Quang aim to realise the foreign policy set forth by the 12th Party Congress and deepen relations with the two ASEAN member countries. Vietnam and Brunei established diplomatic ties on February 29, 1992. Since ...

More angels coming in search of worthy investments

Two months since a group of angel investors visited Phnom Penh in search of startup investment opportunities, the organisation behind the initiative is planning an even bigger scouting mission, looking for investment opportunities in the Kingdom’s small but vibrant startup community. Seven members of the Mekong ...

China, ASEAN ‘need fast RCEP deal’

ASEAN’s trade relationship with China has reached a crucial turning point with the latest 2015 figures showing a 3-per-cent contraction, making it necessary to quickly conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement, according to a top Chinese think-tank. Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World ...

Myanmar told to exploit more solar, wind resources

Myanmar is moving to exploit solar and wind energy, but experts said such attempts must be stepped up to smoothen the country’s development. Soe Soe Ohn, director of the national electrification project at the Rural Development Department, said solar energy offered high potential particularly in rural ...

Lao Securities issues warning on dubious financing companies

The Lao Securities Commission Office is advising people considering making deposits with financial institutions to make a careful assessment before going ahead. Various financing companies in Laos are encouraging people to deposit with them by offering a higher rate of interest than that provided by banks ...

Japan firms invest in local property sector despite potential risks

Many Japanese companies are aware of potential risks in the Vietnamese real estate sector but they have an increasing presence in this market, according to Tokyo-based Recof Corporation, a consultant on merger and acquisition (M&A) deals. Masataka Sam Yoshida, senior executive for the Vietnam market at ...

Garment sector figures disputed

Government officials and union groups on August 23 cast doubts on the findings issued by the industry body for the nation’s garment and footwear manufacturers, challenging its claim that mounting investor concerns had forced dozens of local factories out of business and resulted in a sharp ...

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