Aid and development

No progress on new Vientiane-Champassak highway

One year has passed but the new Vientiane-Champassak highway survey and design has not progressed following a Chinese company signing an agreement with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. “We are now writing a letter to the company informing them that if they cannot perform ...

Businesses prefer Vietnam-EU FTA over TPP

When comparing Vietnam’s commitments within the Vietnam-EU free trade agreement and the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, businesses see bigger benefits in EVFTA, especially in government procurement. Tran Quoc Khanh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, said it was not the initial intention of Vietnam to apply ...

PM challenges EU to follow through on threat to cut aid

Prime Minister Hun Sen on 13 June blithely brushed aside a recent threat from the European Parliament to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Cambodia over human rights abuses, challenging the body to follow through.“I am never afraid of China because Cambodia has ...

EU to start ASEAN aviation talks

The European Commission is planning to start negotiations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations on an aviation agreement soon, having received a mandate from EU transport ministers earlier this week. The EU is hoping to create new airline routes and new business opportunities for European ...

EC, NLA unnerved by referendum-law challenge

The chiefs of the Election Commission and the National Legislative Assembly showed confidence on 9 June the draft charter referendum remained on course despite the latest decision by the Constitutional Court. The controversial words are “violent, aggressive, rude,” which the petitioners find vague and subjective and open ...

Amid turmoil, EU calls for review of aid to Cambodia

The European Parliament on Thursday passed a resolution accusing the Cambodian government of laying politically motivated charges against the opposition and calling for aid cuts if its respect for human rights fails to improve—a loud echo of a resolution it passed just six months ago. “Today, ...

IMF urges Thailand rate cuts that central bank says not needed

The International Monetary Fund called on policy makers in Thailand to cut interest rates in the face of a sluggish economy and low inflation, an approach that the central bank says isn’t necessary. Thailand needs expansionary fiscal and monetary policies to help spur an economy that’s ...

UNICEF pledges to improve child welfare in Laos

The United Nations Children’s Fund has committed to strongly supporting the Lao government’s efforts to improve the quality of education and healthcare as well as combat malnutrition problems in the country. Ms Hongwei Gao, UNICEF Lao PDR Representative stressed the importance of providing opportunities and a supportive ...

Govt, ADB consult on new country partnership strategy

The Lao government and the Asian Development Bank have jointly discussed preparations for the new ADB Country Partnership Strategy 2017-2021, to align ADB’s support with Lao development priorities in its next five year plan. The consultation meeting was held in Vientiane on 2 June and was jointly ...

World Bank provides US$30m for fight against poverty

The World Bank has agreed to provide a low interest loan of US$30 million to fight poverty in Laos, a government source has said. The Lao government will contribute another US$6 million bringing total funding from the three sources to US$52 million. This amount will be ...

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