Aid and development

ADB loan targets health infrastructure

Myanmar is set to receive a portion of a US$117 million Asian Development Bank loan aimed at combating emerging infectious diseases. The Greater Mekong Subregion Health Security Project will target outbreaks in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The loan is meant to boost access to ...

The AIIB and shifting economic dynamics in Southeast Asia

The China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which seeks to help plug Asia’s infrastructure-funding gap, has begun shifting the economic balance of power and influence in Southeast Asia, a region in which Japan and the United States have traditionally been the key external economic players. While ...

CA$11.9M initiative to boost ASEAN SMEs

Canada is working with ASEAN to deliver an ambitious five-year, CA$11.9 million initiative through a partnership with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region.Keep reading ...

Overseas students shift focus to Australia after Trump election

A website designed to attract international students to Australia has reported a huge spike in hits following the election of ­Donald Trump as the next president of the US. Chris Lester, chief executive of the Good Education Group, said traffic to its Studies in Australia site ...

ADB, Microsoft, govt expand economic opportunities for youth

The Asian Development Bank, Microsoft and the Ministry of Education and Sports have signed a Letter of Intent to collaborate and develop a technology platform to provide Lao youth with access to online technical and vocational training resources and employment services. The document was signed ...

Laos joins race against the clock to overcome antimicrobial resistance

Laos and other countries around the world have pledged to take immediate action to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Globally and in the region, the pledge to combat AMR was made with the support and collaboration of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the ...

Myanma railways to offer compensation for circular line upgrade affected

Compensation is on the agenda for Myanma Railways, as planned up- grades to the Yangon circular railway gather steam. Myanma Railways general manager U Htun Aung Thin told The Myanmar Times there would be negotiation and compensation for those affected by the project. “We held ...

Japanese aid package funding three JICA projects

Three projects funded by part of a recently announced US$7.7 billion Japanese aid package are under way, according to the Japanese International Cooperation Institute. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced earlier this month that his country would provide 800 billion yen in aid, loans and ...

Trade GSP can’t make profit for Myanmar in short term

Some 5000 goods from Myanmar have been granted classification under the United States Generalised System of Preferences export scheme, however this will not see a rapid turnaround in profits, say industry figures. The United States trade representative body announced on its official website that preferential tariffs ...

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