Aid and development

Towards innovative, conflict-sensitive and human rights-based approaches to forest monitoring

The Governments of Myanmar and Finland today launched a trailblazing project designed to allow for monitoring of forests in a manner that is sensitive to local conflicts and protects human rights. The five-year project will be led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United ...

FAO Media Relations Office

The Mekong subregion in Beijing’s strategic calculus

The strategically vital Mekong subregion has been gaining salience in Beijing’s strategic calculations as China faces growing pushback from the US and other countries. The global pandemic appears to be consolidating a few trends in China’s ties with the Mekong nations. In this emerging scenario, it is likely ...


FAO sees Mekong as biggest source of global inland fish catch

The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations has ranked the Mekong Basin as the world’s most important hydrologic region or river basin for freshwater fish catches. In its latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report, the FAO said that Mekong Basin accounted ...


Sweden cancels aid to Cambodia, shifting focus to civil society

The Swedish government announced today it will cease providing development assistance, starting from July 1, and will redirect its focus to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. According to a press release issued by the Embassy of Sweden in Phnom Penh, the decision was ...

Norway continues to support demining activities in Cambodia

The Government of Norway through Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) confirmed its commitment to continue supporting Cambodia’s mine clearance efforts by providing $5 million for the next four years. The assistance was made known by Mr. Zlatko Vezillic, Programme Manager for NPA’s Cambodia’s Mine Action and Disarmament ...

Phal Sophanith/AKP

Vietnam-EU Trade: EVFTA Ratified by Vietnam’s National Assembly

Highlights: Vietnam’s National Assembly on June 8 ratified the EVFTA and the EVIPA agreements between Vietnam and the EU. Analysts hope the trade deal will give a much-needed boost to Vietnam’s economy as it looks to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement is expected to take effect sometime ...

Dezan Shira & Associates

Transnational trust trumps trafficking

Early on the morning of January 8, a team from the Wildlife Inspection Unit in Chiang Kong, Chiang Rai province, Thailand, was conducting a search at the Bann Jam Pong morning market. They had been sent there by Wachirayut Kietthibudr, head of the Wildlife Inspection ...


WWF Contributes to the Development of Viet Nam Timber Legality Assurance System - a Critical Step in Promoting Legal Timber Supply Chains

In an effort to ensure the legality of its entire timber supply chain and exports, Viet Nam has developed a draft Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS) Decree to go into effect later this year. VNTLAS is a part of Viet Nam’s Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with ...

Southern Myanmar’s indigenous groups say the UN should scrap $21 million conservation plan

Myanmar’s Tanintharyi Region is among the most vibrantly biodiverse places in Asia. The southern tail of kite-shaped Myanmar, Tanintharyi encompasses hundreds of islands in the Myeik Archipelago, mangrove-lined coast, evergreen forests and the mountainous spine that forms the Thai-Myanmar border. The region holds some of Southeast ...

Skylar Lindsay

JICA to commence studies for deep-sea port at Dawei SEZ

The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA)  will commence preliminary studies for the construction of a deep-sea port at Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) this year, officials of the Dawei SEZ Committee said. “JICA first proposed the study in December 2019 but the process was waylaid by ...

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