Agriculture and fishing

Asian dolphins a step closer to extinction: group

The International Union for Conservation of Nature said on Tuesday it had changed the status of the Irrawaddy dolphin and finless porpoise, both living in Asian waters, to “endangered” from “vulnerable”, meaning they are closer to extinction.[]”In the Mekong River, for example, the majority of ...

Channel News Asia Reporter

Mekong Delta farmers find opportunity in climate change

Local farmers in the Mekong Delta Tra Vinh Province have turned challenges, triggered by climate change, into opportunities to earn money.[] The Mekong Delta, home to more than 17 million people and the Vietnam’s most important agricultural region, is facing threats due to climate change.Keep reading ...

VietnamNet Reporter

Cambodia-Laos border fisheries management plan aimed to realise a 10% increase in fish stock

Targeting a 10-percent increase in fish abundance in the Mekong and Sekong Rivers by 2021, fisheries experts from Cambodia and Lao PDR shared today the progress in fish monitoring activities that set a baseline, and continued discussions on the formation of a joint fisheries management ...

Mekong River Commission

ADB, Lao PDR sign agreement to enhance sanitary, phytosanitary management systems

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) signed an agreement on 13 November for a $10 million grant as additional financing for a project that will enhance Lao PDR’s sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) capacity, and improve ...

The FINANCIAL Reporter

Vietnam’s shrimp producers worried about plan to dam Mekong River

There is increasing worry in Southeast Asia about the impact on regional seafood production from Chinese plans to dam and widen the Mekong River under its “One Belt, One Road” scheme. Published at the recently concluded Congress of China’s Communist Party, the plan calls for a ...

Gao Fu Mao

In search of Arabica in Vietnam's war-scarred soil

Arabica could hold the key to escaping poverty for farmers in Vietnam’s province Quang Tri, but is it a sustainable option?[] The Mekong Institute (MI), an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable economic and social development in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, came up with an initiative to ...

Bao Yen

A Bright Future in Cambodia’s Energy Sector?

Rather than ecologically harmful dams, Cambodia should explore solar power to fill its energy gap.[] One such project is the proposed Sambor Dam, to be located on the Mekong River’s mainstream at Sambor town, Kratie province, Cambodia. This would be one of eleven large hydropower dams ...

Sabrina Gyorvary

Citizen guards protect fish stocks on a fragile river

In the rainy season, shrubs and small trees are submerged in the Sesan River. The Sesan runs from east to west from Vietnam’s central highlands across the northern Ratanakiri region of Cambodia where it flows into the great Mekong River. [] But this community in Cambodia’s northern ...


MBI programme fosters ag startups

The Mekong Business Initiative (MBI) launched a new startup accelerator programme aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the agriculture sector in the Mekong region, with specific focuses on international companies eyeing expansion and early-stage local agritech startups, the head of the initiative said yesterday.Keep reading ...

Robin Spiess

Irrawaddy dolphin numbers rise

Nine critically endangered Mekong Irrawaddy dolphins, were born this year, but two of them died, the World Wildlife Fund has said. In a statement issued on Friday, the WWF said the population continues to be threatened by illegal fishing and hydropower dams.Keep reading ...

Pech Sotheary

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