Cattle feeders in Vietnam feel sting of fast changing market

Vietnam cattle feeders spent millions of US dollars importing 311,523 head of Australian young beef calves last year— betting that retail prices for beef on the supermarket shelves had nowhere to go but up. Now the feeders, who buy calves and fatten them for sale to ...

VN’s cashew industry booming

Viet Nam’s cashew industry is expected to enjoy strong export growth in the coming years, especially shipments to the US, according to the Viet Nam Cashew Association. Viet Nam has been the world’s largest cashew nut exporter for many years, with exports reaching US$2.5 billion last ...

Agro, food to spearhead Betagro

Betagro group is consolidating six business units into two to allow the agribusiness and food group to play a more prominent role in the regional and world markets. The six old business units were food, swine, poultry, regional, feedmill and animal health. The two new core ...

Entrepreneurs want help to boost local goods

The central message delivered to the ministry at launch of the “Buy Khmer Products” campaign in Phnom Penh on 23 May was to take concrete actions to get Cambodian products to the front of supermarket and mart displays. President of Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association Ms Keo ...

Public had no say in Tak SEZ, NHRC finds

The National Human Rights Commission will report to the government after its investigation on 23 May into alleged human rights violations in the Tak Special Economic Development Zone. Its conclusion was that the main problem in the dispute was the lack of opportunity for public involvement in the ...

Savannakhet folk get lesson in fruitful farming methods

Provincial agriculture officials are helping the people of Nateuy village in KaysonePhomvihane district, Savannakhet province, to improve crop cultivation and livestock production methods. The Savannakhet Agriculture and Forestry Department and village authorities gathered on 18 May to explain the best ways to grow fruit, rice and ...

Organic produce becoming popular, lucrative

Demand for organic farm produce has increased significantly both in Viet Nam and globally, and this offers good prospects for businesses investing in the field, a seminar heard in HCM City on 16 May. Nguyen Ba Hung, general director of Organik Da Lat, said organic farming ...

Finishing touches coming for Sugar Act

A draft of the long-awaited Sugar Act is to be revised with recommendations from industry figures at a meeting of the Sugar and Sugar Related Products Merchants and Manufacturers Association on 17 May. Once the revision is complete the act will be submitted to parliament through Myanmar’s ...

Less Mekong Delta fruit, higher prices

The price of fruit in the Mekong Delta has risen recently as the impact of drought and salt water intrusion has caused fruit output to decline, while demand has increased. Tien Giang province authorities have also implemented several measures, including strictly monitoring the salt content of ...

Farmers irked by irrigation pump charges

Many farmers are reluctant to use irrigation systems that involve electrical pumps to deliver water to rice fields, as they are charged for the electricity consumed. This was confirmed by the former Minister of Agriculture and Forestry when speaking to the media recently.Keep reading ...

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