Open Call: ICTs for socioeconomic empowerment

This is a call for projects that directly target socioeconomic empowerment of marginalised groups. The proposed project could be related to SPIDER programme areas, with the primary focus on economic empowerment using ICT.
Eligibility of Applicants
SPIDER will grant funds to local civil society organisations that have identified a problem and are willing to apply ICT to solve it.
Selected organisations will be matched with an organisation with technical expertise to adapt, develop or make use of an existing ICT solution to address the identified problem.
SPIDER will accept applications from organisations in the following countries:
East Africa:Rwanda, Uganda
South East Asia: Cambodia, Myanmar
Latin America: Bolivia, Colombia
Please note that all concept notes must be in English.
Rules for the open call – Please note the following
- Applications that exceed the page limit will be rejected.
- Concept notes not entirely filled out will be considered incomplete and rejected
- The application must be written in English
- Font should be Times New Roman (or equivalent), size 10 minimum
- SPIDER will not accept hand-written applications
- The deadline for submission of the application is Friday 7 August , midnight Central European Summer time
- Applications received after the deadline will be rejected
Application documents
Send the concept note together with the organisation’s proof of registration to
Check out the page for more information