Social development

Civil society

Water, Food, Energy, and Climate Nexus: The Role of Local NGOs in Mekong Region

Asian Research Center for International Development (ARCID) is presenting the 3rd Mekong Dialogue on “Water, Food, Energy, and Climate Nexus: The Role of Local NGOs in Mekong Region”. The dialogue will be hybrid, taking place both online via Zoom and in-person at the ARCID Bangkok ...

Evolving role of civil society to improve forest governance in the Mekong region

The Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) will host the project’s closing event on 30 November 2021. The European Union (EU) funded the V4MF project with the goal to strengthen civil society’s contributions for improved forest governance in the Mekong region. The project started in 2017 and will end ...

SEI Asia Media Grants for Environmental Reporting

SEI Asia is providing six grants to selected local and regional journalists in Asia to showcase impactful stories that highlights critical environmental sustainability issues in the region. Each grantee will receive US$2,000 to produce  and publish their proposed story. SEI will provide mentorship and related scientific research to support ...

2020 YSEALI Regional Workshop on Good Governance and Civil Society
YSEALI Regional Workshop: Good Governance and Civil Society

The U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur, in partnership with TechSoup, will host the YSEALI Regional Workshop on Good Governance and Civil Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 19 – 23, 2020. The workshop aims to build capacity among 100 youth leaders across ASEAN and Timor Leste who are currently ...

2020 EarthRights School Applications
2020 EarthRights School Applications

The EarthRights School prepares the next generation of earth rights defenders to draw on the power of their communities to protect their rights, resources and livelihoods. Most students come from indigenous and rural communities and have experienced environmental and human rights abuses firsthand in their ...

Greater Mekong Subregion: Twenty-five Years of Partnership

This publication, Greater Mekong Subregion: Twenty-five Years of Partnership, highlights the GMS Program’s successful use of economic corridors and focus on priority sectors to achieve tremendous development gains for the subregion and its people. Presenting vibrant scenes from across the subregion, the book tells a ...

Civil Society Scholar Awards for Doctoral Students and University Faculty

The awards are open to the following academic populations:– Doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country– Full-time faculty members (must have a minimum of a master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country– Project duration: ...


Open Development Initiative seeks National IT Officer

Open Development Initiative is looking to hire a National (from any of the Lower Mekong Countries) to help support the ongoing maintenance and development of the (ODM) platform and country sites. ​Application:  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until filled.Email:  recruitment@opendevmekong.netCommencement:  As soon ...


Call for Participation of Young Scientists/Practitioners

APN’s Annual Proposal Development Training Workshop (PDTW) will be held on 28 February-2 March, 2018 in Viet Nam.The training workshop is designed to enhance the capacity of young scientists and practitioners in Southeast Asia to develop competitive research proposals for funding. Another main focus of ...

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