
Side event at COP23 “Measuring Progress in Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience: From Concepts to Practical Applications”

The side event is organised in partnership with the International Development Research Centre, McGill University, University of Notre Dam du Lac, Asian Institute of Technology, and the Africa Group of Negotiators Expert Support. Country delegates and experts will be sharing experiences on approaches to measuring ...

Global Land Outlook - Key messages

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has published its Global Land Outlook titled “THE BIG PICTURE: LAND UNDER PRESSURE”.The current pressures on land are huge and expected to continue growing: there is rapidly escalating competition between the demand for land functions that provide food, water, ...


Executive training on extractive industries and sustainable development 

The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) will host the sixth annual Executive Training on Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development from June 4-15, 2018 in New York City. The program is designed to equip public sector officials and civil society representatives from resource-rich developing countries with the necessary skills to promote ...

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment

China to release emergency water from Jinghong Reservoir on October 31

MRC received a one-day advance ‘emergency notification’ from China – its dialogue partner – about its planned water discharge from the Jinghong Reservoir to the lower Mekong River tomorrow, aimed to ensure power grid security.The discharge of the Jinghong reservoir on Lancang River will gradually ...

Mekong River Commission

Salween Stories: a space to share the stories of this unique river

There are many stories about the Salween River. Myths from long ago. The hopes and tragedies of the recent past. The present day stories of a diversity of local lives and cultures. Dreams for a better future – some shared and some dissimiliar.  “Salween Stories” ...

Salween River

Syan Mining Project latest: deal struck with Laos PDR government and location for forthcoming cryptocurrency mining facility identified

Syan Technologies of Hong Kong have struck a deal with the government of Laos PDR to begin preparations regarding the deployment of a hydroelectric-powered cryptocurrency mining facility on the Mekong River, close to the border with neighbouring Thailand.Discussions have been underway now for a number ...

Syan Technologies Limited

TREND analytics

Trade & Environment Database (TREND) interactive world map makes finding data stories on trade and environment easy. Journalists, researchers, and others can get an overview of the number of environmental provisions by country, in any chosen period, within a click.TREND analytics is a joint project of the German Development ...

German Development Institute, Laval University

Responsible large scale agricultural investment in the Mekong Region: an online dialogue, 9-20 October 2017

MLIKE (Mekong Land Information and Knowledge Exchange) will host an online dialogue on the theme of ‘Responsible Large Scale Agricultural Investment in the Mekong’ in collaboration with the Mekong Region Land Governance project (MRLG) and the Land Portal. The objective of the dialogue is to offer ...


ADB to help enhance transport efficiency, management in Cambodia

The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Board of Directors has approved a $70 million loan to help provide a more efficient, safe, and disaster resilient transport sector in Cambodia, particularly by improving national roads in the provinces of Prey Veng, Siem Reap, and Svay Rieng along ...

Asian Development Bank

Executive training on sustainable investments in agriculture

Applications are now open for the 2018 Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture. This interdisciplinary program provides an overview of pressing issues related to agricultural investments, as well as an introduction to relevant practical skills. Participants work with practitioners and experts from within and beyond Columbia University, ...

Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment

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