
Calling champions of girls’ and women’s education for the 2019 UNESCO #GWEPrize

On International Women’s Day, UNESCO has launched the call for nominations for the 2019 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Prize annually awards US$ 50,000 to two outstanding laureates. Who? Governments of UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are now ...

Act Green for a Greener Mekong

The Mekong River is a source of water for millions, the world’s most productive freshwater fishery, and a lifeline shared by people of five nations. What better reasons to “Act Green for a Greener Mekong”? Now, our own green actions have a chance to be recognized and rewarded as ...

Open Data Inventory (ODIN) 2018/19 Annual Report

The 2018/19 Open Data Inventory (ODIN) is the fourth edition of the index compiled by Open Data Watch and provides an assessment of the coverage and openness of official statistics in 178 countries. The purpose of ODIN is to provide an objective and reproducible measure ...

Leadership 4.0 in Development and Disaster Resilience

The Asian Institute of Management – Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management will conduct the Leadership 4.0 in Development and Disaster Resilience masterclass, for the AIM Roadshow in Vietnam where leadership masterclasses on business, development, innovation, and data science will be presented.  This session is ...

Rethinking Migration Governance in the Mekong Region: From the Perspective of the Migrant Workers and Their Employers

ASEAN RISING: ASEAN and AEC Beyond 2015 puts together ideas, thoughts and Workers in the Mekong Subregion migrate within their countries and beyond their country borders in search of better opportunities. Factories and other enterprises in the region also relocate within their home countries and ...

Open Heroines virtual event on March 8: Balance for better!

To celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8th), at 1600 UTC, the Open Heroines (OH) network is hosting a virtual event: Open Heroines in Conversation: Balance for Better. With this event, Open Heroines joins the “Balance for Better” campaign, organized by International Women’s Day. More detail ...

ASEAN Wind Energy 2019 to be held in Vietnam

ASEAN Wind Energy 2019 is the only large-scale business platform in Southeast Asia that anticipates and manages the changes of the region’s immense wind market, specially covering Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand & Indonesia. Aiming to lay the groundwork for the development, investment, and partnership across all industrial peers, the ...

Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED)

The Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED) program aims to reduce poverty in the developing countries of ASEAN and to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Scholarships and educational exchanges will contribute towards all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 5 (Achieve gender ...

Applications for Travel Tech Taiwan - Tourism Innovation Awards

Technical, non-technical, startup, experienced teams, corporations or those are innovative enough and wish to change the way how traveling is and how to enjoy one regardless of nationality are welcome to join the Travel Tech Taiwan – Tourism Innovation Awards.  Participating teams should apply online on the ...

Expanded Constituency Workshops 2019 in Mongolia

Expanded Constituency Workshops will be held in Mongolia from 23 to 26 April 2019. ECW 2019 keeps the GEF National Focal Points, Convention Focal Points and other key stakeholders, including civil society, up to date on GEF strategies, policies and procedures and to encourage coordination. The events enable focal ...

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