The Nation

Myanmar will be ready to take back refugees soon, source claims

Myanmar will soon be ready to take back over 100,000 refugees from nine shelters in Thailand, as the country moves towards democracy, an informed source claimed on 20 June. Details were revealed during the launch of a “World Refugee Day” event at Ban Umpiem Mai shelter ...

Thaicom told to pay concession fee to ministry

Deputy Prime Minister Prajin Juntong on 20 June told the Information and Communications Technology Ministry and Thaicom to seek agreement over the latter paying an annual concession fee to the ministry for the use of the Thaicom 7 and 8 satellites. Takorn Tantasith, the National Broadcasting and ...

Thaicom’s 7 and 8 satellites will be forced to become an ICT Ministry concession

Thaicom’s commercial satellites operating under the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission’s licensing regime will be under an Information and Communication Technology Ministry concession as well, an ICT source said. The satellites under NBTC licensing regime include Thaicom satellites 7 and 8. Any future commercial satellites to ...

Laos banks on road link with China

With its fast-growing economy, landlocked Laos is turning a once disadvantageous position into an important land transport link for ASEAN regional connectivity with southern China’s Yunnan province. The 114-kilometre Hongsa-Chiang Man Road, which will be a shortcut to Laos’ northern Luang Prabang province, will link Thailand, ...

Strong need expected for distributed power generation

The inadequacy of transmission and distribution infrastructure and the topographical challenges in isolated islands such as those in Indonesia and the Philippines have created strong demand for distributed power generation in Southeast Asia. “Indonesia, Myanmar and the Philippines have been facing severe rolling blackouts due to ...

DSI pledges to push trafficking cases

With more than 1,000 human-trafficking cases pending in the courts including a large number of Myanmar victims, Thailand has promised to speed up the legal process, the Department of Special Investigation deputy chief Pol Colonel Songsak Raksaksakul said on 14 June. Songsak met on 14 June with ...

No authority to prevent new Mekong River projects: MRC

The Mekong River Commission does not have the authority to stop projects even if they have trans-boundary effects, delegates to the fourth Green Mekong Forum said on 13 June, while the Thai Irrigation Department presented a water diversion project to fight poverty. If the MRC member states – ...

Hongsa-Chiangman road to be a boon for Nan

Opportunities in the tourism business in Nan, in the eastern part of the Northern region, will be highlighted once the 114-kilometre Hongsa-Chiangman Road is completed in 2018, making it a short cut to Luang Prabang in Laos. “There will be an opportunity to do business in ...

B Grimm sets Bt24 bn to replace power plants in 2 industrial estates

B GRIMM, one of Thailand’s oldest business conglomerates, on 13 June announced its plan to spend Bt24 billion to replace its power plants in two industrial estates, Amata Nakorn Industrial Estate and Laem Chabang Industrial Estate in Chon Buri. The investment plan was set up after ...

Slow pace of China’s transition adds to Asian export woes

China’s economic rebalancing is likely to take longer than previously expected, leaving Asian exports. Speaking on 14 June at a KBank seminar for customers on the outlook for the economy, interest rates and foreign-exchange rates, Pareena Phuangsiri, senior specialist at the division, said that while Beijing’s attempt ...

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