Vietnam Approves Plan to Boost Digitisation in Agriculture Sector

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has approved a plan to enable agricultural production households to operate on e-commerce platforms, aiming to develop the agricultural and rural digital economy. According to a press release, the plan has set the following objectives: All agricultural production households must ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Vietnam Central Bank Ranks High in Cyber Information Security

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has been placed among the top organisations for the second consecutive year in the rankings of cyber information security for Vietnamese state agencies by the Authority of Information Security under the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC). According to ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Hanoi aims to be among the top 5 Vietnamese cities in digital transformation

The Hanoi Department of Information and Communication recently drafted and submitted the city’s digital transformation programme for 2025. The programme was submitted to the municipal people’s committee. It aims to both develop a digital government, economy, society, and support digital technology businesses that can compete at an international ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Thailand’s Ministry of Labour announces new digital academy

The Ministry of Labour launched the Digital Skill Development Academy (DISDA), a newly established unit that will oversee digital skill development for the workforce; and a new DSD application via an event entitled “Building Thailand Digital Workforce”. During the event, DISDA, in collaboration with the Thailand arm of ...

Alita Sharon

Drones aid Thailand’s reforestation

Across the world, communities are fighting to restore tree cover. Biodiversity loss and efforts to mitigate climate change are driving forces for this renewed interest in forests. However, the high costs in developing economies and poor political resolve in wealthy nations continue to hinder reforestation ...

Alita Sharon

Vietnam prioritises cybersecurity

With Vietnam being one of the largest targets for cyberattacks in the world, enhancing information safety is a crucial issue the country needs to address as it aims for complete digital transformation. Along with digital transformation, it is necessary to build a capable workforce specialised in ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Vietnam fostering a cybersecurity ecosystem

Presently, Vietnam has mastered about 90% of the ecosystem of cybersecurity products serving Party and State agencies. It is also likely to be one among few countries that will master 100% of the ecosystem, the Minister of Information and Communications, Nguyen Manh Hung, has said. Speaking ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Thailand’s national AI ethics looks for cabinet approval

The cabinet will be asked to endorse the country’s first artificial intelligence (AI) ethics guidelines by December 2020 to ensure the proper use of this advanced technology, the National Digital Economy and Society Committee (NDESC) stated recently. Speaking at an AI ethics forum yesterday, the Secretary-General ...

Alita Sharon

Vietnam to become a technology powerhouse with open platforms

To accelerate the country’s national digital transformation programme, the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) organised the Vietnam Open Summit, last week. The summit gathered 200 participants, including senior officials of ministries and agencies, as well as IT experts from large high-tech corporations. MIC Minister Nguyen ...

Samaya Dharmaraj

Five-day ICT course for Thai youth rolled out

A multinational technology company recently held its annual “Seeds for the Future 2020” event in Bangkok to offer talented and motivated university students the opportunity to enhance their digital skills through a hands-on training program with leading ICT experts. A group of 15 students from Chulalongkorn ...

Alita Sharon

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