How to arrange VND230 trillion to build north-south highway

The Ministry of Transport has said that the north-south highway requires lower costs compared with other projects, but the Ministry of Finance says the required investment is high compared with the long-term public investment plan. MOT has submitted to the government a project on building a north-south highway with the total length of 1,372 kilometers. The north-south highway project is to be implemented under the mode of BOT with the state’s investment. There would be 4-lane (22 meters in width at minimum) roads where there is heavy traffic, expected to receive 30,000-35,000 vehicles a day by 2030. The sections of roads with less heavy traffic would have a width of 17 meters. It is estimated that the project will cost VND229.800 trillion, of which VND136.3 trillion would come from the investor, and VND93.5 trillion from the State. MOT, emphasizing that the highway is necessary to satisfy transport demand by 2030, affirmed that the conditions of implementation allows savings.