Flooding sweeps nation

AS THE weather bureau yesterday warned of heavy rains in upper Thailand, various provinces reported flooding and officials were told to monitor the situation in at-risk areas. Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Governor Aswin Kwanmuang said overnight rains had caused flooding at 25 areas but thanks to BMA officials’ efficiency, flooding in every area was cleared before the morning rush hour began at 7am on May 17, except at Sukhumvit Soi 26, which was resolved by 8.30am. “I’ve instructed BMA officials since early this year to make preparations to deal with flooding during the rainy season by draining sewers and increasing our water pumps’ capacity,” Aswin posted on Facebook. In Uttaradit’s Thong Saen Khan district, 200 homes in eight villages of Tambon Namphee were affected by flash floods and 2,000 families were told to move belongings to higher ground and evacuate the elderly and children as a precaution, said Tambon Namphee Administrative Organisation vice president Pisit Wongthong on May 17.

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