Social development

Human rights

Land row families demand titles

Nearly 100 citizens representing 429 families at the center of the Techo Aphivat land dispute gathered at Kampot provincial hall on February 8 demanding resolution of the row and for land titles to be speeded up. However, the authorities said these citizens are not resident there and ...

Somkid promises responsible Thai investments in Myanmar

The business communities of Myanmar and Thailand have been encouraged to foster economic cooperation by Thai Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak’s high-level business delegation. last Friday delivered a speech at the Thai-Myanmar Business Cooperation Forum, which gathered hundreds of business people from both countries. There, he assured ...

Longer wait for final word on Myitsone dam project

The struggle goes on over whether the controversial Myitsone dam and other hydropower projects along the Ayeyarwady River should be built, following indications that further reports on the projects are needed. A member of the commission for reviewing and scrutinising hydropower projects along the Ayeyarwady ...

Phuket hospitals rejecting migrant workers’ insurance

Some women are forced to abandon their babies at hospitals as they’re being denied universal health coverage. Financial difficulties in the healthcare system is leading to pregnant migrant workers only in Phuket province being denied access to Universal Coverage health insurance scheme when they deliver babies. Usually ...

Society urged to give former inmates a second chance, jobs after jail

For many former convicts, it is difficult to start a new life because they do not receive a second chance from society. Speaking on condition of anonymity, an elderly man lamented how his son was rejected at the last stage of recruitment after a government agency ...

Charter writers oppose press 'reform' attempt

A controversial bill to regulate the media industry proposed by the National Reform Steering Assembly media reform panel could breach the new constitution which supports media self-regulation and independence from state control, a Constitution Drafting Committee member says. Chartchai Na Chiangmai, who is also a CDC ...

In response to pollution complaints, a coal plant in Indonesia offered soap and mops

Village leaders in Sumberejo, East Java, once had plans to entice travelers to their coastal town. Tourist facilities were planned for Ndaki Beach where the waves of the Indian Ocean crash upon this Indonesian island. Nearby Bawur Beach was also seen as having tourism potential. ...

Factory owners say fake ‘squatters’ extorting them

The issue of illegal tenants and land compensation remains a major challenge for the Yangon Region government, and, in the absence of solutions, the matter has taken a new turn with factory owners now accusing farmers of trespassing and extortion. U Aye Thaung, chair of the ...

Pacitan villagers say coal plant reduced livelihoods, brought little new employment

The waves of the Indian Ocean crash against the breakwater at Bawur Bay, a protective arm shielding the Pacitan coal-fired power plant. A few meters away, a barge full of coal is berthed. Its cargo is unloaded onto a conveyor belt and transported about 500 ...

Khmer Krom ethnic group denied many rights: report

While Cambodia in theory offers full citizenship to members of its Khmer Krom minority, in practise, many members of the community remain in a legal shadowland, unable to access a wide range of rights, a new report released yesterday shows. Despite a professed open-door policy ...

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