Science and technology

Thailand must boost cybersecurity infrastructure

Some 35 per cent of businesses in Thailand said their most significant cyber breach cost US$1 million or more in damage, a recent report noted. Cybersecurity technology is in high demand following the roll-out of the Cybersecurity Act and Personal Data Protection Act, as well as ...

Alita Sharon

Your data isn’t safe in Thailand

ASEAN has a problem as far as personal data protection goes, and at the bottom of this rung sits Thailand. In a study of privacy and surveillance of 47 countries – four of which are ASEAN – by British tech website Comparitech, Thailand was ranked ...

Sheith Khidhir

Tackling city issues with tech

The Digital Yangon App that can be used by the public to deal with issues such as abandoned vehicles, water problems, fire and waste disposal issues can now be used in six downtown areas of Yangon, said Yangon Region Minister of Kayin Ethnic Affairs  Daw ...

Digital transformation starts with people, not technology

Digital transformation is the number one concern of directors and business executives globally in 2019, according to research conducted by the Enterprise Risk Management Initiative at North Carolina State University and the management consulting firm Protiviti Inc. Just a year ago, the researchers said, it ...

Arinya Talerngsri

ASEAN youths place soft skills over STEM

Emerging technology and relentless changes in labour markets have forced young people in Southeast Asia to constantly upgrade their skills, research released yesterday by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Singaporean-based internet company Sea has revealed. The survey of some 56,000 respondents aged from 15 to 36 from ...

Facial recognition push in South raises rights concern

Telecom firms under focus for ultimatum to phone users on submission of photos; isoc denies sending registration message Rights defenders raised concerns yesterday over the move to force all |cellphone users in the restive South to submit their pictures for facial-recognition identification. Those who fail to do ...

Laos to give data to prevent Isan floods

Laos has agreed in principle to provide data and information about water resources and management plans involving the Mekong River directly to Thai authorities to assess the water situation and take action to prevent floods in eight northeastern provinces. Somkiat Prajamwong, secretary-general of the Office of ...

Joe’s View: On data fever in the Mekong Delta

On a trip down the Mekong Delta, Professor Joe McDonald’s thoughts turn to the potentially serious disease that is data fever – and how it might be prevented. Rowing down the tiny stream through the impenetrable jungle of the Mekong Delta, it’s 39 degrees in the ...

Asean must embrace digitisation for development

ASEAN needs to put a stronger focus on digital literacy to enable the full potential of an ASEAN digital economy and society by 2025. The internet and social media are making access to knowledge wider than ever. Digital technologies have transformed the way more than ...

Vietnam aspires to become a power in cybersecurity: minister

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung has stated that he expects Vietnam to become a strong country in terms of cybersecurity with its security manpower one of the best in the world and with high aspirations. He was speaking at the Vietnam Security Summit ...

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