
Emerging Asian economies race to build metros amid choking congestion

The distance between Maye Cristobal’s house and her office in Manila’s Makati business district is just 5km, but the 26-year-old lawyer often has to travel for one and a half hours. Keep reading ...


‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative underway, but experts warn of difficulties ahead

China’s “One belt, One Road” railway link with Asean has started to materialise as construction in Laos has progressed to more than 10 per cent of the project linking China’s border to Vientiane.However, one expert has warned that the Chinese government’s financial support for the ...

Atul Aneja

Slight delay in Thai high speed rail project due to environmental impact study

Construction work has been delayed until the middle of next month for the initial 3.5-km stretch of the Thai-China high speed railway (HSR) in Thailand’s north-eastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima, Bangkok Post daily reported on Thursday.[] The full line will span 873 km, linking Thailand and ...

Strait Times Reporter

Workshop focuses on cross-border cooperation for energy

Policymakers from the Greater-Mekong Subregion (GMS) met their Korean counterparts in Seoul to discuss ways to cooperate in the energy sector amid the increasing need for a stable supply.Keep reading ...

Rachel Lee

High-speed Rail Project Will Force Thousands of Lao Families to Relocate

More than 4,400 Lao families are being forced to relocate to make way for the U.S. $6 billion Lao-Chinese high-speed railway whose construction began nearly a year ago as part of a longer rail project that will link China to mainland Southeast Asia, a public ...

Roseanne Gerin

Renewable Energy in the Greater Mekong Subregion: A Status Report

The Greater Mekong Subregion has significant potential to develop renewal energy, but it also faces major challenges. Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam—all members of the Greater Mekong Subregion—are seeking to expand the use of renewable energy.Keep reading   ...

Greater Mekong Subregion Secretariat

Mekong region sees airports as the way forward

Tourism and aviation analysts are discussing methods to deliver dynamic growth to the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), which is home to more than 20 airlines and serves more than 250 million travellers a year.Across the region, 12 airports can each service more than 10 million ...

Suchat Sritama

Myanmar's telco revolution opens new chapter

Myanmar is three years into a telecoms boom that has changed the physical and technological landscape of the country with unparalleled speed. Since the sector was opened to foreign competition in 2014, thousands of mobile towers have sprung up around the country and more than ...

Steve Gilmore

ADB urges implementation of cross-border transport pact

As growing trade and investment linkages in Asia and the Pacific have helped to improve the region’s overall resilience to global economic and trade policy uncertainties, countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) need to make swifter progress in streamlining trade through multilateral agreements that ...

Phnom Penh Post News Staff

China's plan to buy influence and undermine democracy

[] To enhance its economic and political clout, China has made substantial inroads across Southeast Asia on the back of multi-billion-dollar infrastructure and investment deals like the one in Cambodia. This is how China will engage with the world for the foreseeable future. At the ...

Philip Heijmans

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