Travel firms want open visa policy to lure tourists

‘Kong: Skull Island’, an American film with many scenes shot in Vietnam, to open in cinemas on March 10, is expected to bring a golden opportunity to Vietnam to attract travelers and develop the tourism industry. A report of the General Statistics Office showed that in ...

Commerce OK with using Article 44 to speed up patent approvals

The Commerce Ministry supports use of the military-led regime’s sweeping powers under Article 44 of the interim charter to streamline patent applications, partly by taking into consideration the judgement of foreign authorities to approve similar patents. Commerce Minister Apiradi Tantraporn said more than 36,000 patent ...

Asian infrastructure needs US$ 1.7 trillion a year: ADB

The infrastructure needs in developing Asia and the Pacific will exceed US$22.6 trillion through 2030, or US$1.5 trillion a year, if the region is to maintain growth momentum, according to a new flagship report by the Asian Development Bank. The estimates rise to over US$26 ...

Investors to study feasibility of tourism complex in Vangvieng

A Chinese company is keen to develop a tourism complex on a disused airfield in the town of Vangvieng, believing it will attract even more visitors to the already popular tourist hotspot. The provincial authorities agreed on Tuesday that the Yijin Construction Engineering Lao Co., ...

As global food demand rises, climate change is hitting staple crops

While increases in population and wealth will lift global demand for food by up to 70 percent by 2050, agriculture is already feeling the effects of climate change. This is expected to continue in coming decades. Scientists and farmers will need to act on multiple fronts ...

Dusit Thani links with CPN on Bt37 bn mixed-use project

Dusit Thani, a hotel and property-development company, has partnered with Central Pattana to renovate and develop a mixed-use project worth around Bt36.7 billion on land it leases in Bangkok from the Crown Property Bureau. The company has signed an agreement with the bureau to renew ...

The steps toward 2025’s logistics transformation

Vietnam has unveiled a new plan to transform the country into a regional logistics hub by 2025. The new plan draws attention to the importance of logistics in Vietnam’s positioning as an international trade hub Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recently sanctioned the action plan to enhance ...

JWD pushes for big investment return

Logistics company JWD InfoLogistics says it has adopted a business plan to increase revenues from its recent investments in ASEAN markets, such as in warehouses in Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. The plan for 2017 aims for a minimum seven percent revenue growth. Recent investments in ...

Cultivation of cassava still firmly rooted

Cambodian farmers continue to expand cassava cultivation despite falling commercial prices for the crop and low international trade volumes, new data from the Ministry of Agriculture show. The total area of cassava cultivation grew 34 percent last year, with the starchy tuber planted on 771,000 ...

Independent centre reports on nation’s natural resources

The Ethnic Nationalities Affairs Centre (ENAC) (Union of Burma), has released a report recommending greater government emphasis on the possession, management, share of revenues and impact of the country’s natural resources during the second 21st Panglong Conference. “After the 21st Panglong Conference is concluded, there will ...

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