Aid and development

Bagan deserves better

Foreign investors should distance themselves from hotel projects being developed around the ancient temples of Bagan in apparent violation of planning rules. It now seems likely that the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will approve Myanmar’s application to have Bagan ...

‘Huge potential for partnership between Manipur and Myanmar’ - Manipur Chief Minister

There is huge potential for partnership in cultural tourism between Manipur and Myanmar as Manipur shares strong cultural affinities with Myanmar. Investments in infrastructure, skill development and film production have great potential while simultaneously promoting traditional and cultural art forms, and generating employment for the ...

China’s Belt and Road Initiative criticised for poor standards and ‘wasteful’ spending

China’s massive infrastructure spending in Southeast Asian nations under the Belt and Road Initiative has run into a series of problems including substandard work and money wasted on unprofitable projects, a new report has warned. The Belt and Road Initiative, launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping ...

Teddy Ng

Why the Mekong region matters to New Zealand

From China to Vietnam, traversing six countries in total, the Mekong River is the lifeline of the many millions of people that live along it, through the provision of water, food, energy, transport, irrigation, and sanitation. As populations have grown, and as China has sought ...

World Bank warns of Myanmar’s urbanisation challenges

With more people moving to Yangon and other key destinations for better opportunities, the World Bank has warned of the challenges related to urbanisation in Myanmar at the launch of its latest report on Thursday. Judy Baker, lead economist for social, urban, rural and resilient global ...


India and CLMV countries: Investments, development cooperation and sustainable development

India shares close political and strategic ties with the Southeast Asian subregion of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (or the CLMV countries). However, their economic ties remain weak, owing to various factors including lack of physical connectivity, as well as the absence of synergy between ...

Malancha Chakrabarty

Myanmar announces national environment and climate change policies to mark World Environment Day 2019

The Government of Myanmar today announced its vision for the country’s environmental protection and climate action, launching two new policies that will guide Myanmar’s environmental management and climate change strategy. Myanmar is widely considered one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to the impacts ...

Pompeo to visit Bangkok, commit to Southeast Asia: official

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will recommit the United States on a visit to Bangkok to supporting the development of Southeast Asian nations in the face of a rising China, an official said Thursday. Pompeo will travel to the Thai capital for the July 29-August 3 ...

Renewed partnership with Murray-Darling Basin Authority will prepare Mekong for current and future challenges

Mekong basin-wide planning, environmental monitoring, flood and drought management, climate change adaption, and stakeholder engagement are some of the key areas to benefit from a renewed partnership between the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) of Australia. The technical collaboration between the MRC ...

China bids to bring Yangon into a modern age

Across the river from Myanmar’s colonial-era old capital of Yangon, low-slung shanties dot rice fields that extend into a bucolic rural distance. But that could soon change if local property developers and their deep-pocketed Chinese backers build the Yangon New City Project, an ultra-modern design with ...

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