Agriculture and fishing

Nay Pyi Taw dam helps boost summer paddy plans

Nay Pyi Taw authorities are planning a 50 percent increase in the area of land set aside for summer paddy growing this year, according to an official from the region’s agricultural department. U Tin Oo Kyaing said the department is aiming to plant over 15,000 acres ...

Australian charity to send Northern Territory cattle to Cambodian families

An Australian charity has bought 150 Brahman breeders from a Northern Territory Government research farm to send to Cambodia. Cows for Cambodia loans Cambodian families pregnant cows to look after until they have a calf, which the family keeps as payment. The Northern Territory cattle, ...

Ministry lists top ten commercial rice varieties

The Department of Trade Promotion under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce has listed the top ten Lao rice varieties for domestic sale and export. Laos has about 12,000 rice varieties but many of them still need improvement for commercialisation, department Director General Mr Somvang ...

Cashew nut exports to hit $3b in 2017

Việt Nam is expected to export 360,000 tonnes of cashews for a value of US$3 billion this year, an increase of 3.4 per cent in volume and 5.6 per cent in value over last year, according to the Việt Nam Cashew Association (Vinacas). Speaking at ...

The Bird’s eye view: what endangered birds tell us about the risks of Mekong development

The Thai government started 2017 announcing another major commitment to transportation expansion: US$25 billion to finance futuristic high-speed trains, super highways and expanded sea and airports. Far less glitzy but immediately controversial, however, was one of its final transportation acts of 2016: preparing to restart, after ...

Poultry export outlook solidly optimistic

Thailand’s poultry export prospects are looking more promising this year, lifted by higher demand and the resumption of fresh poultry imports by many countries after bird flu was brought under control. According to Agriculture Minister Chatchai Sarikulya, the ministry is optimistic Thailand will be able ...

New compensation regulations

Aquaculture farmers directly affected by natural disasters and epidemics will receive compensation totalling as much as US$2,600 per hectare, according to Decree No 2 issued by the Government last week. The decree, to take effect from February 25, will regulate compensation forms and levels to help farmers ...

A more direct path for mango exports

Sweet and juicy mangoes grown in Cambodia have been finding their way into top Asian markets for years, but until now only through Thai and Vietnamese brokers, and often repackaged or processed into juices and jams to disguise their Khmer origin. Local producers’ lack of ...

Out-of-action irrigation may cut crop yields

Thousands of hectares of farmland are expected to be affected by a lack of irrigation this dry season as provinces are suffering funding shortages for the repair of irrigation systems. This year there are as many as 453 irrigation systems that require repair with the ...

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