Agriculture and fishing

Lifting of farmland limit to spur exports of produce

Expansion of land limits and accumulation of land for large-scale production are expected to be the foundation for the branding of farm produce. Vietnam has become a big farm produce exporter, but most of the products are exported as raw materials and don’t bear a ...

Clean, organic agriculture production set to expand

Expanding clean agriculture production to supply market demands together with improved international market access can serve to catalyse growth in the Lao organic produce sector, an audience including the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry was told on April 20. Director General of Department of Agriculture, ...

China yet to give okay to eight rice traders

China has yet to respond to a request made by the Ministry of Agriculture to add another eight local rice traders to the list of 26 that have passed quality control tests to export rice to the Chinese mainland. “Eight local rice traders are still ...

Cambodian rice a big hit in China

A senior official in China’s biggest import and export commodity center has praised the quality of Cambodian rice and called for more agricultural products – mainly milled rice – to be sold on the Chinese market. “Cambodia’s milled rice here has become very popular among ...

Kheng addresses illegal fishing before elections

Interior Minister Sar Kheng on April 19 called on authorities to ramp up a crackdown on illegal fishing ahead of upcoming commune elections, prompting one fisheries activist to question whether the action would continue after it ceased to be politically expedient. In his remarks, given at ...

High-tech farms for Đà Nẵng

The central city of Đà Nẵng plans seven suburban communes in Hòa Vang District for high-tech farms on a total area of 540ha – a crucial step to boost high quality and safe agriculture. The director the city’s agriculture and rural development, Nguyễn Phú Ban, said the ...

Over 700 illegal fishermen netted

A four-month government campaign has exposed 730 cases of illegal fishing on Tonle Sap lake. Noa Thuok, secretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture, said 30 people have been sent to court so far as a result of the inter-ministerial crackdown, which began in ...

Panel hears bribery rife in fish industry

The Command Centre for Combating Illegal Fishing has set up a panel to look into complaints accusing some officials of demanding bribes from trawler operators. Centre deputy head Vice Admiral Wannapol Glormgeao said Tuesday the centre recently received a number of complaints from anchovy trawler ...

Caffeine high as Laos tops South-East Asia's coffee producer rankings

Laos is riding high as largest coffee exporter in ASEAN followed by Vietnam in second place and Thailand third according to figures compiled by the Lao Ministry of Planning and Investment. Coffee is among Laos top export income earners in terms of agricultural commodities, earning ...

How to better manage meat imports

Hoang Thanh Van, director of the Department of Breeding under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, speaks to Kinh Te Do Thi (Economics and Urban Affairs) newspaper about managing imported meat. Domestic breeders worry that imported meat will compete with domestic breeding products and decrease ...

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