Agriculture and fishing

China takes over Thai fruit and vegetable industry

Chinese traders have gained control of the fresh fruit and vegetable segments of the Thai agriculture industry – negatively affecting the quality of produce shipped into Vietnam. Experts at the Vietnam Fruit and Vegetables Association also say there are legitimate concerns that Chinese domination of these ...

Grow Asia targeting six local cash crops

Grow Asia, which formally launched a partnership with Cambodia late last year, will reconvene on June 13 in Phnom Penh to kick-off working groups between the public and private sector, including NGOs, after targeting six crops for market potential. The Grow Asia program is a multi-stakeholder ...

Ministry cracks down on fishery products

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam has asked for tighter management of fishery products amid warnings by major import markets on food hygiene and safety standards of aquatic products. The ministry asked for enhancing disease prevention and violations in the use of chemicals ...

Dozens of Myanmar fishermen released from prison in India

Over 100 Myanmar fishermen arrested in the Andaman Sea arrived at Yangon International Airport yesterday, after being imprisoned for years in India for fishing in its waters. “I have been jailed for over five years at Port Blair Prison,” said Ko Zaw Lin Aung, who grew ...

GI status for Tbong Khmum pepper unlikely

With 72 per cent of Cambodian black pepper production coming from Tbong Khmum province, agriculture officials are calling for it to receive Geographic Indicator status to promote the spice for export. Hean Vanhan, deputy-general director of the general department of agriculture, said on 30 May that if ...

Cattle feeders in Vietnam feel sting of fast changing market

Vietnam cattle feeders spent millions of US dollars importing 311,523 head of Australian young beef calves last year— betting that retail prices for beef on the supermarket shelves had nowhere to go but up. Now the feeders, who buy calves and fatten them for sale to ...

VN’s cashew industry booming

Viet Nam’s cashew industry is expected to enjoy strong export growth in the coming years, especially shipments to the US, according to the Viet Nam Cashew Association. Viet Nam has been the world’s largest cashew nut exporter for many years, with exports reaching US$2.5 billion last ...

Govt revamps illegal fishing command hub

Thailand government has ordered a restructuring of the Command Centre to Combat Illegal Fishing with Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Chatchai Sarikulya replacing navy chief Na Areenij as head of the center. Under the new structure, the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry, particularly its Fisheries Department, will be the ...

Agro, food to spearhead Betagro

Betagro group is consolidating six business units into two to allow the agribusiness and food group to play a more prominent role in the regional and world markets. The six old business units were food, swine, poultry, regional, feedmill and animal health. The two new core ...

Entrepreneurs want help to boost local goods

The central message delivered to the ministry at launch of the “Buy Khmer Products” campaign in Phnom Penh on 23 May was to take concrete actions to get Cambodian products to the front of supermarket and mart displays. President of Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association Ms Keo ...

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