Rice market gains momentum

The rice market is expected to continue gaining ground in export, as the Philippines plans to import a million tonnes in early 2016. The announcement comes on the back of winning previous bids to sell 450,000 tonnes of rice to the Philippines and a million ...

Difficult rainy season ends

As a fickle rainy season that has seen areas of Cambodia plagued by drought draws to a close, the country’s rice production remains nearly on target, though food insecurity is still a problem for individual communities, according to the World Food Programme. The season’s slow start affected 234,695 ...

Lao agribusiness operators face problems exporting to China

Agribusiness operators in Phongsaly province are struggling for trade after Chinese authorities banned the import of some agricultural produce. Commercial crops including green tea and sweetcorn being traded by Lao entrepreneurs in the province cannot be exported to China, the provincial Green Tea Processing Factory Director, ...

Rights report decries Thai sugar firm’s tactics

Asia’s largest sugar producer, Mitr Phol, is responsible for violating the rights of hundreds of villagers in Oddar Meanchey who saw their land grabbed, homes destroyed and livestock killed to make way for plantations, according to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT). The Thai ...

Vietnam Rubber Group stripped of accreditation

A giant Vietnamese rubber company that has faced repeated accusations of illegal land and forest grabbing in Cambodia has been stripped of its accreditation as a sustainable forestry product supplier by the world’s leading forest certification body. In a damning report, the Forest Stewardship Council claims ...

First bird flu outbreak this year confirmed in Laos

The first avian flu outbreak this year in Laos was reported in ducks and chickens in a farm located in Xayabury. Keep reading ...

Rice scare in Poipet reveals plastic pieces

A rice-milling company has admitted to letting pieces of plastic from its machinery make their way into bags of rice after residents and authorities in Banteay Meanchey’s Poipet town raised fears of “plastic rice” upon finding their rice abnormally sticky since the Pchum Ben holiday. Keep ...

Laos hosts Chinese banana rush

Northern Laos is emerging as an important source of fresh bananas for the Chinese market, with several different investors from China itself understood to be establishing plantations covering thousands of hectares across several different regions. The investors have been drawn to the region by good availability ...

Vietnam blocks Chinese apple imports over island dispute

China’s apple exporters will have to come up with new, non-controversial packaging if they want to resume sending the fruit to Vietnam, authorities said on 22 October. Keep reading ...

Xayaboury province bans further investment in banana farms

Xayaboury province will impose restrictions on banana farms following reports which suggested that farms in several provinces had used harmful chemicals which leaked into the soil and threatened local livelihoods. Governor of the northwestern province, Mr Phongsavanh Sitthavong, recently informed the media that Xayaboury would allow ...

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