15 bidders for 2.07m tonnes of inedible state rice stocks

Fifteen bidders have proposed to a combined 2.07 million tonnes of inedible state rice stocks, which comprise 56% of the total 3.66 million tonnes of the grain unfit for human consumption put up for auction by the government. According to Keerati Rushano, deputy director-general of the ...

Flood prevention committee urged to explain project to villagers

A village authority member in Xaythany district, Vientiane has called on the drought and flood prevention committee to explain the importance of the ongoing Huay Khean channel upgrade to landholders in Nongbua village. The Huay Khean channel upgrade is one of 14 projects in Xaythany ...

June deadline to end Tricyclazole use

The European Commission has said Cambodia’s milled rice industry must eradicate the use of the fungicide Tricyclazole by June. The strict new Maximum Result Limit will mean rice must not contain more than 0.01 milligram of the chemical per kilogram of the grain. The limit was adopted ...

NA members push ministry on agriculture, forestry issues

The creation of conditions to facilitate rural development including animal husbandry and agriculture project management are some of the main issues that members of the public want corresponding government sectors to address. National Assembly members for Vientiane and members of the Vientiane People’s Council tabled ...

Small Chinese wheat mills feel the pressure

Rising wheat prices in China are putting pressure on thousands of the country’s small flour mills, speeding up rationalization of the world’s biggest milling industry and boosting the market share of bigger players. Many small-scale mills have been forced to shut down or cut back operations ...

Families call for return of land

A group of 20 people representing 554 families locked in a 10-year land dispute yesterday submitted a petition asking the government to end the lengthy conflict. The families, from Samroang town in Oddar Meanchey province, want help from officials at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ...

Links missing in planned safe food chains

Hà Nội plans to build 100 safe food chains this year to ensure supplies of safe vegetables and meat for the capital and reach annual targets on food hygiene. Planners believe the targets can be achieved by clearly identifying the origin of products and placing more ...

Rice exports to China still facing challenges, official says

The trade in rice products between Laos and China still faces challenges due to the demand for high quality by Chinese buyers, according to a senior trade promotion official. This means Lao producers will have to try a lot harder to produce high quality rice ...

Warning on Vietnamese pork

The public has been warned not to eat pork from Vietnam after an outbreak of a serious disease in pig farms across the border. The Agriculture Ministry’s department of animal health and production is enforcing additional precautionary measures to ensure contaminated pork from Vietnam does ...

VN, Netherlands to up agriculture ties

With its knowledge and experience in agriculture, the Netherlands is eager to join hands with Việt Nam to improve the quality and efficiency of its agriculture, a business forum on Agriculture-Innovation in Việt Nam heard in HCM City on Monday. Dutch Vice Minister for Agriculture ...

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