Mekong River Commission launches interactive and easy-to-use Mekong data portal

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) today launched a revitalised online data service platform that assembles, analyses, and visualises data about the health and condition of the Mekong River.
The platform, called MRC’s Data and Information Services Portal or Data Portal, is designed to help governments, development practitioners, private developers, academics and citizens better understand critical issues in the areas of hydrology, sediment, water quality, fisheries, ecological heath, climate change, flood and drought in the Mekong River basin.
“Accessible, easy-to-use and quality assured data can contribute to better planning and decision-making that leads to significant economic and societal benefits,” Dr Winai Wangpimool, Director of Technical Support Division of the MRC Secretariat, said. “Our Data Portal is a one-stop service window that provides a platform for transforming data into evidence-based stories on Mekong critical issues that offer the public with better information to shape policies and actions that matter to them most.”