International Conference on Water Management and Climate Change towards Asia’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus and SDGs 23-25

THA 2019 Internatiional Confference on Water Management and Climate Change towards Asia’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus and SDGs will be held on 23-25 January 2019 in Bangkok,Thailand.
The objective is to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, practitioners, and policy makers to share and present new advances, research findings, perspectives, and experiences in Disaster Irrigation and Water Management towards Nexus (WEF) and Sustainable Development Goals
A. Climate Change and Uncertainty in Hydrology and Meteorology
B. Participatory Management for Water and Irrigation Project
C. Emerging/Digital Technologies in Water Management and Environment Towards Nexus (WEF) and SDGs (Big Data, IOT)
D. Disaster Management/ Groundwater Management
Authors are invited to submit abstracts and/or papers to a scientific committee of the conference who will be responsible for evaluating the submitted abstracts and papers. The notification of acceptance will be dispatched after the decision making from the scientific committee. The authors of accepted abstract are then requested for full papers. Only accepted papers will be published in the proceeding.
The official language of the conference will be English. All abstracts, papers and posters should be submitted in English
Registration will open on November 1, 2018
For more details, please visit here