Dialogue Forum 5: Surge in plastic waste during covid19 (in Thai)
In times when society has become widened with gaps and differences of views and opinions, one issue could be escalated into a crisis if there are no platforms available for appropriate discussion among all concerned.
The media, while informing and inspiring their audience, could also take an educating and facilitating role to serve such the purpose, acting as a bridge and helping connect the dots into one big picture.
In collaboration with its partners and with the support of KonradAdenauer-Stiftung (Thailand Office), Bangkok Tribune News Agency has come up with a monthly forum on issues of importance, under the project, “Dialogue Forum”.
This is to facilitate and provide a space for discussions and exchanges of dialogues and views on issues of importance especially in regard to social and environmental issues both in Thailand and the Mekong region, thus not only helping connect the dots as wished, but also forging understanding among the public and the parties concerned, encouraging them to find a common ground and seek solutions together.
The Dialogue Forum therefore would cordially like to invite you to explore the sustainable path for the country’s plastic waste management amid the increasing challenge during the pandemic and beyond in its Dialogue Forum 5: Surge in Plastic Waste during COVID-19 and the Roadmap towards sustainable plastic waste management at SEA-Junction 408, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, on August 26, 2020 (10.00 am-12.30 pm)
Contact: southeastasiajunction@gmail.com
Bangkok Tribune coordinator: Piya Wong @089 920 8027/ Bangkok Tribune News FB Messenger
**In accordance with the COVID-19 regulation, please confirm your participation ahead of the event (limited seats available).
***You can also watch the event live at FB Live: Bangkok Tribune News FB Page
***You can also watch the event live at FB Live: Bangkok Tribune News FB Page