ODM data & technology showcase event at Regional Land Forum

Open Development Mekong (ODM) will host a user engagement session, to walk participants through new features of the platform and seek feedback on the platform, tools and content offered (please bring a laptop to this parallel session).
The Data & Technology Showcase Event will be held on the first day of the Second Regional Land Forum which is set to open on May 28-30 in Bangkok, Thailand, to showcase reform actors’ land-related innovations in data and technology from across the Mekong Region.
This interactive event is an opportunity for participants to:
• Learn how to apply data, technology and information for securing smallholders’ land tenure.
• Explore online platforms and provide feedback on emerging platforms.
• Network and discuss collaborations with other Mekong region reform actors using data and technology for improved land governance.
The Data & Technology Showcase Event will open with a short introduction to M-LIKE, a unique platform that facilitates linkages with other online and offline platforms within the larger digital ecosystem.
Next, ‘flash talks’ from different organisations will introduce data and technology initiatives, followed by a chance for participants to interact and ask questions.
Parallel technical sessions will give participants a hands-on opportunity to explore two initiatives. Facilitated by GIZ Laos, the first parallel session will introduce Unmanned Aerial Systems (drone) technology, including how drone data and images are captured, processed and stored, and how this technology can improve land management.
For detail