Community call: Advocating for open contracting on the global anticorruption stage

TIME: 10:00 EDT / UTC – 4
Join us for an exchange of ideas, plans and priorities for the open contracting agenda at upcoming global summits! We will be meeting on Thursday, November 3rd at 10:00 EDT / UTC – 4 (register here).
This December, the International Anti-Corruption Conference will kick off a year of events and momentum behind the global anti-corruption agenda that includes the Summit for Democracy early next year, and the UN Conference of States Parties to the UNCAC in late 2023.
This community’s ideas, advocacy and impact stories have all contributed to securing stronger global support and political mandates for open contracting. The UN General Assembly Special Session on Corruption Political Declaration included the whole cycle of procurement and the importance of open databases for the first time. The G7 gave its strongest-ever endorsement of open contracting in 2021, and it remained on the agenda at the G20 through the Smart Cities Open Contracting Model Policy and sessions on citizen participation. Finally, we welcomed the adoption of the majority of the Latin American open contracting community’s advocacy asks at this summer’s Summit of the Americas.
Those achievements say a lot about the strength of our collective advocacy, but we all know too well that gaps remain and the work does not stop at high-level declarations. As civil society, we must keep the pressure on to close the remaining gaps in normative frameworks and – critically – make sure these commitments are implemented and monitored in practice at the national and subnational level.
We welcome your feedback on the call agenda which could include:
Sharing updates on how each organization plans to engage in upcoming global anticorruption events, to cross promote each other’s initiatives
Discussing shared priority asks for national reform we want to spotlight and push using these events
Suggesting tactical activities such as joint letters, policy briefs or side events we can co-create as a community to advance reform priorities
Click here to register for the event. If you can’t make it but would like to be on the mailing list to receive the notes, outcomes and follow up actions like events and open letters, enter your details here so we can keep you up to date!
OCP contact: Kristen Robinson, Head of Advocacy,